“You have no way of knowing you’ll always feel that way.”

“It’s not something either of us needs to know,” I tell her. “It simply is the way it will be. It’s the way it’s always been meant to be.”

Frustration pulls at her facial features, and she looks like she’s on the verge of stomping her foot like a petulant teenager. If I didn’t fear for the safety of my balls, I’d laugh at the look that’s so unlike her.

“How can you not see how wrong this is?”

Pulling my hands from my pockets, I close the couple of feet separating us. Her body is stiff when I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me. Her arms hang limp by her sides and her head is pulled back to keep her eyes on my face.

“I love you,” I tell her quietly.

Her eyes go as round as saucers before they narrow into slits. “No, you are not allowed to do that!”

My lips twitch. “Do, what?”

“Tell me you love me for the first time to get yourself out of trouble.”

“But I do love you.” She pushes against my chest, trying to break my hold around her waist. I lock my fingers together at the small of her back. “Do you love me?”

Her look turns peevish, but she can’t hide the glimmer of happiness in her eyes. “Right at this moment, I’m not sure what I feel for you would be called love.”

“You’re a terrible liar, baby. Your eyes say so much more than your mouth does.” I pull her tighter against my chest. “Now answer my question honestly. And I’ll know if you’re lying because there is only one correct answer.”

She snorts. “One answer, huh? And I bet you think it’s yes.”

“Yes,” I say boldly.

“Fine.” She lets out a dramatic sigh. “You would be right.” Lifting her hands, she lays them on my pecs and digs her nails in. “Although, just because I love you doesn’t mean that I like you very much right now. You cheated and tricked me out of a decision that we both should have made.”

“Do you want children?”

“Yes,” she admits.

“Is there any reason why now wouldn’t be a good time?”

“No, except for the fact that we aren’t married, and I don’t want a child born out of wedlock.”

My lips tip up. “That’s a non-issue, since we’ll be getting married very soon, well before our little bean comes along.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Or are you opposed to marrying me?”

She swipes her tongue across her bottom lip. “As crazy as it sounds, no, I’m not opposed to it.”

“See?” I grin. “I didn’t trick or cheat. I just made a decision about something we both wanted anyway.”

She slaps my chest. “Relationships don’t work that way, and you know it.” Her expression turns solemn. “I’m serious, Kai. You can’t do stuff like that.”

Sliding my hands down to her ass, I hoist her up and she wraps her legs around me. I carry her over to her bed and sit on the end.

I lose the playfulness and look deeply into her eyes. She wants serious, and I’m going to give it to her.

“I’ve loved you for what feels like my whole life. At first it was innocent and more of a crush than anything.” I slip my fingers under the bottom of her shirt and rub my thumbs along her lower back. “I remember the day you left for college. I was so devastated. It took Mom hours to get me to come out of my room. I was only six, but I felt like my world was ending.”

She laughs, just what I was aiming for. “You poor baby.”

“I never forgot about you the four years you were gone. I thought about you often. Those years felt like decades. The day you got back, I was playing outside. It was like the whole world lit up in bright colors when I saw you getting out of your car.”