Chapter 12


Usingthe key that Penelope gave me a couple of weeks ago, since I spend most of my time here, I let myself in her house. The TV is on but the volume is down low, and I don’t see her in the living room. She’s not in the kitchen either. If she’s not in either of those, she must be in her bedroom.

Nerves travel down my spine as I walk down the hallway toward her room. I tried calling a couple of times earlier, but it went to voicemail. I left her this morning after sharing a heated kiss because Dad needed help with the muscle car he’s rebuilding. I was just getting ready to leave because her not answering my calls was worrisome, when she called me back. There was something in her voice that had the back of my neck prickling in awareness. Despite her saying everything was fine, I knew otherwise.

My first thought was that Phillip had made a reappearance, but I discounted it. Wesley has someone keeping an eye on him, and as of yesterday afternoon, the sorry bastard has been out of town the last couple of weeks. Where he is and how he could afford to get there is still a mystery.

Soft, classical music comes from Penelope’s half open bedroom door. When I push it the rest of the way open, I find her sitting in the chair in the corner. Her face is turned away as she stares off into space across the room.

She gives no indication that she’s noticed my presence. “Baby?” I call hesitantly.

No reaction at all.

I really don’t fucking like the way she’s acting. Like she’s a goddamn robot set on standby.

I walk across the room and stand in front of her. Gently grabbing her chin, I turn her face toward me and angle her head up.

“Penelope, what’s wrong?” I ask.

With a blank expression, she holds her hand up, her fingers wrapped around something. I put my hand below hers and she opens her fingers, letting the item drop into my palm.

“I’m pregnant,” she says, her voice void of emotion.

My eyes quickly drop to the little white stick. A shot of inexplicable pleasure fills me when I see the two blue lines. I grin so big my cheeks hurt, and I swing my eyes back to Penelope. Some of my jubilance fades when I don’t see the same happiness on her face. Instead, she looks like she’s about ready to shove her foot up my ass. She doesn’t have to say it for me to know she’s figured out my secret.

I put the stick in my pocket then drop my hands to my side. I don’t move back or try to retreat. I knew she would eventually figure it out, and it’s time I face the music for my deception.

“You’re angry,” I guess unnecessarily. The evidence of her anger is written all over her face. There’s no sense in playing dumb.

“You think?” she replies sarcastically. Gripping the arms of the chair, she pushes to her feet. I step back just enough to give her room. “Can you guess why I’m angry?”

I shove my hands in my pockets. “Because I switched out your birth control pills.”

Again, there’s no sense in pretending. We both know I’m caught.

Her eyes widen, momentarily surprised I so easily admitted to my duplicity.

She crosses her arms tightly over her chest in a protective manner. That move alone has my heart clenching. She will never need to protect herself from me, and it hurts that she feels like she has to now.

“How could you do something like that, Kai? Why would you trick me?”

I hold her eyes and give her God’s honest truth. “To ensure your future would forever be locked with mine.”

Again, I’ve surprised her with my honesty.

“That’s freaking crazy,” she says in a high-pitched voice, which is very much not like her. “You have to realize how insane that sounds. You can’t just force someone to be with you by tricking them like that.”

I shrug. “Call it crazy or insane, but I don’t regret what I did.”

“You’re nuts,” she mutters.

“You can call it nuts too, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’d do it again. I’ll do anything to make sure you’ll always be mine, Penelope. My only regret is that my actions have obviously hurt you.”

“Of course your actions hurt me. What if I didn’t want to have children? What if things don’t work out between us and we end things on a bad note? We’d be stuck in each other’s lives forever.”

I scowl at her. “That will never happen. I’ve been telling you for weeks that you’re mine. That will never change.”