She steps up beside me and we both glare at the pack of pills.

“Do you have any refill packs?”

Opening the medicine cabinet, I pull out a pack and hand it to her. She opens it and holds it up next to the other one.

“Look here.” She points to the days listed above each line of pills. “See the difference?”

It’s slight and if I wasn’t looking for it I wouldn’t have noticed it, but there is a difference in the font.

“Even if I didn’t take the same pill, I’d still recognize that it’s different because we fill these at the pharmacy all the time.”

“I don’t understand how this could happen. Could the pharmacy have gotten a shipment in from another manufacturer? I know pills can vary slightly from one company to the next.”

She’s shaking her head before I finish. “No, we only get this brand from one company. It’s been that way for years. I would have heard if it changed, because we inspect everything that comes in so we’d have to know to expect something different.” She turns to face me fully and leans against the counter. “How could you have not known or suspected you were pregnant? No period, right?” I shake my head. “For how long?”

“I spotted a couple of months ago, but I haven’t had a full period since before then. I thought it was the stress of Phillip and then work before him that was messing with my body. I’ve always had irregular periods, even while I was on the pill. I mean, the idea did pop in my head, but I discounted it because the likelihood of getting pregnant on the pill is so small.”

My brows furrow as a memory resurfaces. A few weeks ago, one morning while Kai was getting ready for the day in my master bathroom, I walked in on him holding my birth control pack. I asked what he was doing with it and he said he was bringing it out for me to take because he knew I was a stickler for taking it at the same time every day. After I swallowed down the pill, he fucked me on the bathroom counter, causing us both to be late for work. I never thought anything of it, and this is the first time I remembered the incident since then.

“Do you think….” Camila hesitates, “Kai could have switched them?”

That’s exactly what I’m thinking. And I have no doubt it was him who did this. From the moment he walked into my office, he’s shown his interest. The first few weeks his flirting was relatively tame. But after the day he caught me in my office bathroom with my shirt off, he’s pursued me shamelessly. He has no boundaries when it comes to proving that he and I belong together. It has been his tenacity that has drawn me to him. I love that he’s so committed. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

But why would he purposely try to get me pregnant?

Clenching the packet of pills in my hand, I look at my sister. “Oh, he most definitely did this, and I plan to find out why.”

Kai Deluca has some explaining to do.