Chapter 6


I’m backat Penelope’s house a couple of nights after I fucked her in her office. Not to break in, but to actually visit her. She doesn’t know I’m coming, so I’m looking forward to the surprise on her face. Maybe I’ll even get a little sass out of her so I can fuck her into a better mood.

I eye the SUV in the driveway as I make my way up the steps and to her front door. I know it’s her brother’s vehicle. I contemplate waiting until he leaves, because I know Penelope is going to flip her shit if I show up with Wesley there.

In the end, I say fuck it and rap my knuckles on her door. It’s not that I don’t care about her feelings. I just know if it were left up to Penelope, she’d never tell her family about us. She won’t even admit it to herself yet. I get she’s leery of the age difference. People can be dicks when it comes to things like that. But I refuse to be a hidden secret, and Penelope needs to come to terms that there is something between us. What better way to get the ball rolling on the town accepting us than to have her brother see us together. The first step and all that shit.

I’m not too concerned about how Wesley will take it. He, himself, is dating a woman who’s double digits younger than him.

When the door opens a moment later and a surprised Penelope comes into view, I want nothing more than to snatch her to me and kiss the shock from her face. Not wanting to push her too much too fast, I opt instead to step forward and kiss her cheek.

When I step back, she pulls herself together enough to look over her shoulder before darting her worried gaze back to me.

She steps forward and hisses, “What are you doing here?”

I grin big and hold up a bag. “Dinner.”

The muscles in her jaw twitch as she grinds her teeth together. “My brother is here. You need to leave.”

Fuck giving her time. The way her eyes flare gets my cock hard, and there’s no hope of not kissing her.

I snag an arm around her waist and yank her forward. Before she can open her mouth in protest, I slam my lips down on hers and she immediately melts against me. Swiping my tongue across the seam of her mouth, she opens, and I slip my tongue inside. She tastes like warm sunshine and oranges.

When I lift my head a moment later, she slowly opens her eyes, and I’m pleased as fuck at the delirious look she gives me.

“Someone want to explain to me what’s going on?”

I look over her shoulder and meet Wesley’s amused gaze. His girl, Jersey, I believe, stands beside him, her mouth open in shock. I look back down to Penelope and she has her eyes closed, her mouth in a firm line.

“You want to tell him about us, honey, or should I?”

If looks could kill, I’d be down on the floor gasping through my last breath.

“Don’t you dare,” she hisses the words so low only I can hear them.

Undeterred, I give her a cheeky grin. “Guess it’s me who gets to do the honors.” Ignoring the sharp pain in my side when Penelope pinches me, I look her brother straight in the eye. “Penelope and I are dating.”

“That so?” he asks, sounding amused. “What do you mean by dating? What are your intentions with my sister?”

Wrapping my arm around Penelope’s shoulder, I spin her around so we’re both facing Wesley and Jersey. “You know, the usual,” I say casually. “Marriage and two or three kids. More if I can talk her into it. Maybe a couple of pets.”

The room goes silent except for Penelope’s sharp inhale. I feel her eyes boring into me, so I look down. On one hand, it looks like she wants to wrap her hands around my throat and choke the life out of me. On the other, and I’m sure she doesn’t realize she’s giving herself away, she looks intrigued by the idea.

I can work with this.

“You do realize she’s over a decade older than you, right?” Wesley asks, pulling my attention back to him.

Delight fills me when Penelope switches her irritated gaze to Wesley. She’s used the same age difference excuse before, but apparently, she doesn’t like it when someone else mentions it.

I slide my gaze to Jersey, who’s still standing there speechless, before moving it back to Wesley. I lift a brow.

He jerks his chin up. “Point made.” He lifts an arm and wraps it around Jersey’s waist, tugging her closer. “I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but I’m going to anyway. You hurt my sister and you’ll be dealing with me.”

“A threat coming from a priest?”

“I no longer live by the church’s rules because I’m no longer a priest. My warning still stands.”