“I can pick up anything I need after work,” I say. It’s what I’m accustomed to doing or on my day off.

“Work?” Aurielo shakes his head. “My wife doesn’t need to work, and you’re not leaving the compound without a bodyguard.”

Spinning on my heels, I turn to face him. “Excuse me? Just because I agree to marry you doesn’t mean you can destroy my life. I have a job that’s important not only to me but to the people that I help.”

His eyes narrow, and his jaw tightens.

“Is that so, Micetta?”

He hasn’t even asked me what I do for a living or where I work. I doubt he cares a lick about me.

“You can’t keep me locked up in this place like a prisoner.” I fold my arms across my chest, glancing him up and down. “I’m sure you leave daily. I have a job too.”

He presses his lips tight together. His brow is furrowed. “Tell me what you do that’s so important that you wouldn’t rather live here and stay safe behind our walls?”


What is he talking about?

“I’m a pediatric oncology nurse at a children’s hospital downtown,” I say. “The kids depend on me as well as the staff on the unit.”

What did he think I would do, stay home, and become a baby-making factory for him? He’s insane if he thinks he can keep me cooped up in this place.

A deafening silence fills the bedroom.

Aurielo’s jaw is tight, but his gaze hasn’t left mine. “Francesco can accompany you to work.”

“The hell he can,” I seethe. “I’m a grown woman, in case you’ve forgotten. I don’t do need your bodyguard babysitting me.”

He flinches for a brief second before stepping closer, invading my personal space. “You will bring Francesco to work every damn day.”

My hands drop to my sides. “He can wait in the hospital lobby,” I say. “My supervisor is never going to let him onto the pediatric ward.”

“Fine, but he will accompany you daily to and from work. If you decide to have lunch outside of the building, he’ll join you.” Aurielo towers above me. The heat of his words burn my cheeks.

“Why do you think I need a bodyguard?” I ask. I can’t imagine he’s worried about my well-being. “Do you not trust that I won’t run away from you?”

He scoffs under his breath. “Your sister already tried taking your place. Trust is an important part of a relationship, and to be blunt, no, Micetta, I do not trust you.”