What’s keeping him?

Nova sighs softly and pats my arm.

I glance from the book to the little girl with a pouting bottom lip jutting out.

“I don’t want to sleep,” Nova whispers.

Again, I try not to hide my surprise or my overzealous joy that she’s speaking with me. “What’s wrong?” I ask. My voice is soft and gentle, calm.

I close the book but leave my hand in to save the page if she wants me to keep reading. Although I could have sworn she’d have fallen asleep before we reach the end of the book.

“Bad dreams,” Nova whispers.

“Do you have a lot of bad dreams?” I ask. Not once has she snuck into my bedroom during the night. I’ve assumed that she’s been sound asleep and all right.

Maybe she just didn’t feel safe and comfortable.

Nova shrugs, avoiding an answer.

“I have an idea,” I say and stand.

She sits up, a frown on her face. Nova looks terrified that I’m leaving her after she just confessed something so deep and intimate.

I hurry into my bedroom and am quick in the bathroom. I reach under the sink for a spray that I picked up. It smells of citrus and sage.

I’m back beside her bed within a minute, and I crank the window open a few inches.

I spray around the open window frame. The smell isn’t overly strong and is quite pleasant.

She breathes deeply, taking in the scent.

“Do you believe in magic?” I ask.

If she doesn’t, she will tonight.

“Magic?” Nova’s eyes widen, and her face lights up as she tightens her hold on her gorilla.

“Yes,” I whisper, keeping my voice down. Someone is bound to notice the two of us chatting, especially if one of the guards is stationed outside the bedroom.

I spray a few more times around the room, near her bed.

“Bad dreams go away,” I say. “We only want good dreams and happy thoughts in this house. Anything bad or gloomy leave right now.”

Nova scrunches her face and smiles. She points to the window. “Leave bad dreams!” she says with a squeal.

I smile and mist a few more times near the bathroom and then the main door of the bedroom.

The young girl settles back down under the covers, and I close the window once we are both satisfied the bad dreams have left the room.

“Goodnight.” I tuck Nova into bed and plant a soft kiss on her cheek. “Sweet dreams, and if you need anything, I’m just next door. You can come find me. Okay?”

“Okay.” Nova rolls onto her stomach to get comfy.

I close the bedroom door between us, quiet as not to disturb her, even though she hasn’t fallen asleep yet.

“Hey,” Moreno’s voice startles me.

“How long have you been in here?” I ask—the spray in my hand.