I’m trying to fathom a reasonable excuse for what she did, except I can’t find one. No one else in the Ricci home would steal from me. No one is stupid enough to betray me.

Except for Nova.

Aww, fuck me.

“It has nothing to do with Ariella,” Paige says. Her voice is soft and calm, and her gaze is locked on mine.

My stomach does somersaults. I can’t take another bite, and I put the remainder of my uneaten meal back into the plastic baggie.

“You’re covering for Nova.”

I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner.

I didn’t want to see it.

Paige’s gaze falls to her lap, and she undoes the lid on her water and brings it back to her lips.


“Please, tell me you’re not covering for my daughter.” Honestly, I don’t know which is worse: Nova stole her mother’s ring or that Paige lied to me to protect my daughter.

“You wanted someone to blame,” Paige says and glances at the jungle gym.

Nova is climbing the rope ladder, clutching it as she makes it to the top.

My girl seems to have no fear. Impossible considering all that she’s been through. It’s like she’s channeling her silence and mutism into something else.


In a matter of weeks since meeting Paige, I don’t even recognize Nova.

Physically, of course, she’s the same little girl that’s my daughter. But she’s trying new things, coming out of her shell, no longer hiding and avoiding me.

Paige is good for Nova.

“I’m sorry I doubted you and accused you of stealing from me.” An apology is the least that I owe her. I’m lucky she hasn’t already quit.

Paige offers me a warm smile. “Well, I was wearing the ring.”

“Yes.” I nod slowly. “And why were you wearing it?”

“I spoke with Nova and asked her to turn the ring over to me. Once I had it in my possession, I didn’t want to lose it. I planned on returning it to you the next morning when I saw you.”

Her story sounds plausible. “You didn’t plan on me coming into your bedroom.”

“Precisely. I never meant to hurt you, and I know that Nova has been through so much already. I didn’t want your anger directed at her. We talked and she won’t be stealing anything again.”

“She talked to you?”

“Well, no.” Paige purses her lips. “I spoke with her, but she understood what she did was wrong. Now that I’ve answered your questions, I want you to answer mine. How long have you been a mafia prince?”

I shake my head and wag my finger at her. “That’s not how this works.”

I’m not answering her questions.

“Why not?” She pouts.

I’m not sure whether she’s emphasizing her discontent, or it comes naturally, but it’s freaking adorable.