
I didn’t think Moreno would agree to a picnic, let alone taking Nova to the toy store afterward.

With Dante, his boss in the room, maybe he couldn’t say no? Especially to the picnic idea, which was not Moreno’s plan.

I won’t hold that against him. At least he agreed to an afternoon outside of the cabin and away from the men in suits.

The mafia.

I shiver just thinking about last night and his confession.

Moreno is a mafia prince.

Was he serious or so far drunk that even he was rattling off nonsense?

Either seemed completely plausible, and while I want answers, I also won’t ask those types of questions in front of Nova. She’s young and impressionable, and I don’t need to make her fear her father.

From the moment I first met her, it already seemed like that was the case. But lately, she’s softened around him and vice versa.

At least from the small and short intimate moments that I’ve seen.

Moreno has been avoiding me for the past week. Until last night when he snuck into my bedroom unannounced and proclaimed his feelings for me.

The tension between us is undeniable. He remembers what happened last night.

I wasn’t sure if he would.

He relents about the toy store and picnic before disappearing out of the kitchen. I’ve never seen him run so fast to get away from me.

Well, he can’t avoid me forever.

* * *

“I thought we were going on a picnic, just the three of us?” I emphasize as I glance in the side mirror.

There’s a black SUV following us with three guards in suits.

They do not look the least bit discreet. If Moreno wants to bring attention to himself, he sure knows how.

“We are, but I have to know that we’re going to be safe when we’re in town.” He pulls out past the main gates that are already open for us to leave.

I glance at him. “Why wouldn’t we be safe?” I’m waiting for him to tell me what he does for a living, that he’s an underboss for the mafia.

But the air is thick, and I’m met with silence.

“I just want to protect my family,” Moreno says.

I get that. I understand his concern and fear. It’s relatable, especially after the club and then the fire. However, the second was entirely caused by accident. But it still didn’t make it any less frightening.

“Because you’re the mafia,” I whisper, making sure Moreno hears me, but with the radio on, I doubt Nova can hear a word from the backseat.

She’s buckled into her car seat, oblivious to the conversation commencing between us.

I glance back at her and offer a warm smile.

Nova stares out the window, watching the scenery.