The job of a mob boss.

Protect his family at all costs.

I don’t envy the job, the weight of the responsibility that falls entirely on his shoulders. Serene died because Vance wanted to even the score.

Vance is the scum-sucking vermin who sells women and children, trafficks them through small towns, places where there aren’t a lot of cops and visibility.

He runs a human trafficking ring, and while we put a serious dent in his operation in Breckenridge, slaughtering his men and the don’s home, they’re still out there.

For years they’ve left town, probably attempting to keep a low profile. But seeing Vance at the club Dante owns, without a doubt, he’s back.

Vance doesn’t show up without a plan. I just don’t know what that plan is, and that’s why I don’t like the idea of letting Nova go to the toy store.

It’s the kind of place that draws too much attention to the situation. Anyplace public puts Paige and Nova at risk.

Keeping them locked up in the cabin at the compound is for the best. It’s keeping them both safe, but I know Paige doesn’t understand, let alone see it that way. She thinks I’m punishing her by not letting her leave.

Dante’s idea for a picnic lunch is dangerous if we engage in it outside of our grounds. I planned on having it outside, safely inside the gates where guards can assure Paige and Nova’s safety.

“What do you say?” Paige asks again, a friendly smile on her face. “We can have a picnic at the park and visit the toy store across the street. It’s a short walk.”

Everything inside of me screams that this is a bad idea. But Nova’s eyes are bright and cheerful.

It’s been too long since I’ve seen a smile graze her features. I can’t say no to Nova.

We can bring extra guards and security to watch over us.

I take a long swig of my coffee. “It’s a date.”