“We can’t go anywhere?” Paige asks. Her jaw is practically on the floor.

“I will let you know when you can go for an outing, and you will be required to bring one of the guards with you.”

“Great, a spy,” she says under her breath.

She’s not wrong. Leone has been informed to report anything of importance, and after she met with Ariella, I don’t intend to tell him to stop. “You ought to watch your tone and your tongue.”

Paige strikes me as a girl who probably got into a lot of trouble in her teenage years, testing the boundaries, pushing her parents to their breaking point.

I can only hope that Nova won’t be like that when she gets older. Then again, with Paige as her nanny, is it inevitable?

“Are you done?” Paige asks, reaching for her eReader. “I’d like to get back to my book.”

“I’ll tell you when we’re done.” I step closer, grabbing her tablet and tossing it farther onto the queen-sized bed, out of her reach.

She opens her mouth to object. A frown crosses her features when I lean in and steal a kiss along with her breath.

I’ve never known Paige to be silent, ever.

Maybe I should take Dante’s advice and let my guard down and give in to temptation. She’s fiery, and the tension between us sizzles in the air.

While I loved Serene, the energy between us was never anywhere this charged. The temptation is impossible to ignore, especially the moan she emits from the back of her throat while we kiss.


She knows how to make me powerless.

One kiss, and I’m willing to give her anything.

Even her freedom.

But I can’t give in.

I won’t.

Her safety is my priority, and if I allow her to leave, she may never see another sunrise. I pull back from the kiss, my lips tingle, and my heart pounds wildly against my ribcage.

Paige leans in for another kiss.

But I pull back to stop her.