The fact that I’m offered room and board makes it worthwhile.

I scribble my name on the line and initial the individual pages that he taps, one at a time.

I skim over the specifics of the contract. It’s ninety-fricking pages. I would be here all day if I read every line, but I get the gist. Don’t disclose anything I witness, overhear, or find.

Satisfied with my signature, he places the pages back into his briefcase and slides out of the booth. “If you’d like to follow me, I can lead you to the property.”

I slip out of the booth and stand, smoothing down my skirt.

Moreno takes long, quick strides, and I practically have to run in my high heels to catch up with him.

He throws open the heavy wooden door, and the bright afternoon light forces me to squint.

“Where’s your vehicle?”

I point to the two-door sedan. It’s not much, but I haven’t needed anything extravagant.

He snorts under his breath. “That’s not going to get you up and around the mountain in winter. I’ll go slow since I’m betting you don’t have all-wheel drive on that thing.”

“Do you want to give me the address and I can put it into my phone?”

“GPS is spotty out here,” Moreno says. “Especially when we head farther off the beaten path.”

“Oh, okay.” I climb into my car and follow behind Moreno in his shiny black SUV. It looks brand new—even the wheels sparkle.

I’m driving a stick shift, and I downshift as I follow up the mountain and then off the main road. We drive for a while with the forest at both sides, and then to the left is a clearing, open fields and haystacks abound.

It’s beautiful.

Moreno turns on his signal, and we head down a narrow driveway. Trees canopy above the road, making it feel like a bridge as we near the property.

Wrought-iron gates tower above and stretch on as far as I can see. We pull to a halt, and there’s a guard tower with a man inside the booth.

The forest is in the distance, but a clearing stretches on for two properties with one giant log cabin. It’s remote, but beautiful. The cabin is freshly stained, the wood bright with the sun shining against it and huge. It very well could be described as a mansion, but from the outside, it’s rustic, not the least bit frilly.

What exactly does Moreno do for a living?

The gate’s part and I drive through slowly behind Moreno, giving the guard a brief nod of thanks as I enter the premises.

Private security?

I hit the jackpot getting room and board at a place like this.

It beats sleeping in my car.

Who does Moreno work for?

The C.I.A.?