“Will it?” Paige asks. “From what I hear, Nova used to speak.”

Pulling my shirt on, I spin around to face her. “Who told you that?” Anger stirs inside of me, and I step closer toward Paige, forgetting about the buttons on my shirt.

She doesn’t back down or cower. Paige stands her ground. “Does it matter?”

“It was Ariella, wasn’t it? That little brat!”

Paige doesn’t flinch. “Who cares how I found out? The fact you’re not denying it says more about your character than hers.”

I should hate her for the way she’s speaking to me, with such little respect, but instead, all I feel is his warmth mixed with anger. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I heard Nova humming a lullaby the other day.”

“You’re lying.” I don’t believe her. It’s all games and manipulation tactics to make me trust her and confide in her. Well, it’s not going to work. I turn away, not meeting her stare while I button my shirt.

“I know you want what’s best for your daughter. While I don’t think lying to the therapist is the best option, I’m willing to do whatever you require as my employer.”

“Good.” I grab a tie from my rack in the closet. “I’m glad that’s settled. You’re dismissed.”

I don’t care whether Paige was done or not. I’m done with her for the moment. I want a few minutes of quiet before I have to endure pure torture at the hands of a shrink.

I’m probably overly dramatic. The therapist is for Nova, and she’s not going to analyze my family.

At least I hope she’s not going to look too deep into our lives. I wait for Paige to be gone, and the door closes behind her before I step toward my nightstand.

I pull open the top drawer and retrieve a small wooden box engraved with Serene’s initials. It was a gift that I’d gotten for her on my travels overseas.

It was to hold her pictures, trinkets, mementos, anything she saw fit.

Lifting the lid, there’s a handful of photographs, a movie stub ticket, and Nova’s baby bracelet. I finger through the contents, searching out Serene’s wedding band and engagement ring. The rings were fused, and after her death, I placed the contents in the wooden box.

Every so often, I glance in as a bitter reminder of all that I’ve lost.

Sometimes it brings me peace.

Usually, it brings me down to my knees with gut-wrenching sorrow but never any tears.

I don’t see the ring at first glance. I dump the contents onto the bed.

Four photographs.

One ticket stub.

Nova’s baby bracelet.

There’s no wedding ring.

I swallow the lump in my throat. My eyes burn, and I storm out of the bedroom.

Dante and Nikki would never betray me. My men know better than to enter my room, let alone steal from me.

“Paige!” I scream out her name, demanding her to come to me.