
I still feel his breath against my lips, my heart hammering against my ribcage, as he pushes me inside the panic room and shuts the door.

We’re locked inside.

Nikki sits on a futon sofa and shifts her legs to make room for me to join her. The room is small but furnished. There’s a set of bunk beds against the wall. Luca is sleeping on the top bunk, and Nova is curled up beside Nikki on the sofa.

The moment I step into the room and head for the sofa, Nova’s arms are outstretched for me.

“You’re supposed to be asleep,” I say and pull Nova into my arms for a hug as I sit down on the couch.

The little one climbs into my lap for cuddles, and Nikki hands me a throw blanket from the back of the futon that I can use to help make Nova a little more comfortable.

“Good luck getting her to sleep,” Nikki says with a wayward grin. “First time in lockdown. I’m betting this isn’t what you thought being a nanny was all about.”

I chuckle under my breath. “Moreno certainly didn’t mention a panic room.”

“I bet he didn’t.” She laughs and shakes her head.

The room smells of fresh paint, new wood, and recent construction, unlike the remainder of the cabin, which seems to be kept up but is not new.

“I heard you had a hot date with the boss,” Nikki says.

She has me rattled speechless, and Nova glances up at me, curious as to our conversation. Nova looks about as stressed as I feel.

“Relax, I’m just kidding. I’m sure you two just went out as friends to get to know one another.”

I gently rub Nova’s back to get her to settle in. She seems to take comfort in it, and rests her head on my chest as she buries against me for cuddles.

“That was one hell of a kiss, though,” Nikki says.

Did it get several degrees warmer in here?

Nova pokes her head up, staring at me.

For once, I’m grateful she doesn’t speak. I’m not sure what she’d say about her father and me sharing a kiss.

She’s four, though. It’s not like she has any say in who her father dates.

Not that we’re dating.

“Anyway,” I say with an overly zealous grin, trying to change the subject. “Is this a regular occurrence?” I gesture at the panic room. How often should I get used to coming in here?

“Playing hide and please don’t seek?” Nikki quips. “More often than I’d like, but it’s honestly not that often. I think in the past year, since Dante had the room built, we’ve been in here twice.”

That wasn’t too bad.

“How much did Moreno tell you about why we’re hauled up in here?” Nikki asks.

She seems cautious, like she doesn’t want to give more away than she’s supposed to, but I get the distinct impression that if I can get the girl to talk, she’ll talk up a storm. Already she’s said far more than I have since being cooped up together.

Maybe she’ll spill all of Moreno’s secrets.

“I met Vance at the club,” I say, studying her expression. Maybe I shouldn’t mention that he runs Nanny Agency, Inc.

The color drains out of her face. “He’s back?” Nikki’s tongue darts out as she licks her lips and stands.