“I wanted to ask how Nova has been doing. You both went to the park this afternoon.” We should be having this conversation alone in the morning or while we’re both dressed. Not when Paige is ready for bed.
She doesn’t seem to mind. Or if she does, she’s polite enough not to address the fact that I’ve come in unannounced. It’s her only bit of free time and I’m the bastard stealing it from her.
Paige reaches for the bedside lamp and flips the switch. She squints for a moment at the bright light.
We both do.
I perch myself at the edge of the mattress. I don’t ask her if I can sit.
She turned on the light to indicate that she’s willing to talk with me. That’s all the encouragement that I need.
“Are you asking because you want to know how your daughter is doing or is this about the girl I met at the park?”