“Do you have to be so crass?” I run a hand through my hair, uncomfortable with the discussion. I’m not looking for sex or no strings attached. I’ve got a kid.

I need a mother more than I need a wife right now.

But I’m not marrying the nanny or fucking her. Though the thought has crossed my mind.

How could it not? She is perfect, every curve is well-pronounced, and she wears it with confidence, making her even sexier.

“I just think you’d be a lot happier if you were getting laid,” Dante says, his lips curve into a grin.

He’s not wrong, but I can’t go down that path with Paige. It’s dangerous for a variety of reasons.

“You wouldn’t believe all the stuff Nikki and I have done. I always thought having a kid would slow down the libido but damn, it’s like every week she wants to try something new.”

“And you’re complaining?” I don’t believe him. He lights up whenever Nikki waltzes into the room.

“No,” he says and laughs. “I’m just happy, and I want you to be happy, too. You don’t have to lay the nanny. There are plenty of other hotties at the bar.”

“I’m not going to a bar or club.” I was too old to be chasing ass, even if Dante owned the place. It wasn’t my style. I didn’t like to drink, and I felt out of place with everyone else getting trashed.

“Right. Strait-laced mafia, who’d have thought?” Dante teases.

I want to slug him, but it’s only because we’re family. I love the guy and hate him at the same time.


* * *

I loosen my tie and head up to my bedroom, but not before walking past Paige’s bedroom. It’s late. The door is shut, and Leone is standing guard.

“Don’t you ever sleep?” I joke with him.

He looks like hell. I don’t imagine she’s making his life easy.

“Dante has me covering until Rhys gets back.”

“Lucky you. Any problems?” I don’t expect any, but Leone won’t lie to me, whereas I’m not sure if Paige would tell me the truth about Nova’s behavior.

Leone rolls his eyes. “Quiet as a mouse. Were you expecting something else, Moreno?”

I glance at my watch. It’s well past when Nova should be in bed. I strut past Paige’s bedroom and quietly turn the handle to Nova’s room. The door opens without so much as a squeak.

There’s a nightlight beside the bed that casts a warm glow across Nova’s sleeping features. I tiptoe into her bedroom, fix the blanket that is half-strewn off the mattress, and bend down to kiss her cheek.

She doesn’t stir. Nova is out cold.

The adjoining bedroom door is wide open, and I stalk across the bedroom toward the nanny’s quarters. Her room is dark. I don’t expect her to be awake. I really shouldn’t be poking my head into her room, but I can’t stop myself.

One glance, and she’s staring back at me with those evergreen eyes.


She’s got an eBook reader in her hands, the soft glow lights up her features, and she places the tablet onto the bed.

“Sir?” Paige sits up straighter in bed, pulling the covers up around herself.

I clear my throat. I hadn’t expected her to be awake. The bedroom lights were off, but that was probably to help Nova sleep and not disturb her.

I should retreat from the entrance to her bedroom, but my feet betray me. I gently close the adjoining door as I step closer to her bed, leaving the two of us completely alone.