I instruct Leone to bring dinner up to Paige and Nova while I bury myself with Dante in his office.
Leone is also under orders not to let either of them leave their suite under any circumstances.
“How’s Nova doing?” Dante asks, sipping his glass of whiskey. His eyes are dark, and he stares down at the amber liquid before gulping it down and pouring a second glass.
“With the new nanny? It’s too soon to tell,” I say and sit back in the chair across from Dante, sinking into the leather.
To say I’m exhausted is an understatement. I can’t remember the last time I slept through the night. It had to be beforeherdeath.
He’s quiet, pensive as he stares down at the drink in his hand.
“What is it, Boss?”
“I’ve tried to give Luca and Nikki as much of a normal life as possible. Maybe that should extend to Nova. She’s a little too young for elementary school, but we can certainly afford to send her to a private preschool where she can interact with other children.”
My jaw tightens at his suggestion. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
I want what’s best for my daughter. I don’t need anyone, not even Don Ricci telling me what I should be doing for Nova.
“Baby steps,” Dante says. “I overheard the argument you had with the new nanny. Have her take Leone with them and let the kid get some fresh air. Maybe Nova will make a few friends her age at the park.”
I can’t believe his suggestion.
“Vance DeLuca is still out there!” I stand and pace the length of Dante’s office. The room is hot, the air stuffy, and my stomach somersaults. I loosen my tie and wipe the sweat from my forehead.
Thankfully, I haven’t eaten dinner, or I’d have brought it back up.
“We have no reason to believe that he’s after Nova, and Leone will keep an eye on the nanny to ensure that she remains safe.”
“Her name is Paige,” I say. I’m not sure why, but I feel it necessary to correct him.
“You trust Paige with Nova, don’t you?” Dante asks.
I wouldn’t have hired her if I didn’t trust that Nova would be in good hands. “Absolutely.” That didn’t mean I trusted anyone else around my kid.
“Then let them go tomorrow to the park. Nova could use the change of pace from this place.”
A sharp crisp knock against the frosted glass door interrupts us.
“Come in,” Dante says.
Nikki pokes her head into the office. “Sorry to interrupt.” Her eyes crinkle, and she offers a warm smile.
“Have a seat,” Dante says to me and gestures to the chair that I had been in just a few minutes earlier.
I feel like they’re about to tag team me. I’m just not sure why. I shut my mouth, jaw tight, and slump into the chair across from my boss. I clasp my hands together in my lap.
“Yes?” I’m waiting for whatever they are going to spring on me.
Do they not like the nanny who I hired? Is she too hot?
Trust me, I noticed. That wasn’t the reason that I hired her, but it is certainly a perk.
“I’m worried about Nova,” Nikki says. She folds her hands together in front of her and glances at Dante.