Is he after Nikki? Luca?

He already nabbed Paige, but she was back at the compound. That’s what the message that was delivered to us said.

Unless they lied and wanted us to return.

“Give me your phone.” We need to get ahold of Dante. I don’t see his vehicle, which means that he’s not back yet.

Vance had set up a trap for us with the bomb. Who knows what danger Dante might have walked into at the location of the auction.

Would they have set off a second bomb?

* * *

Caden manages to get ahold of Dante. He’s already on his way back to the compound with Rhys, Halsey, and several soldiers who accompanied them.

In a matter of minutes, Dante is pulling in through the gates just behind us. We’re standing outside, grabbing weapons from the trunk, ensuring that we’re fully armed and prepared for whatever lay ahead of us.

We storm inside the compound through the front door.

Dante leads the assault. Together, the two of us take out several guards on entering the premises. Sawyer and Caden are right on our heels, watching our backs as we stretch on through the hallway.

The firefight is just beginning.

From within the office, Vance’s gravelly voice carries through the hallway.

Our soldiers secure the remainder of the house. Dante, Sawyer, Rhys, and I head in for the office.

Dante leads, and I’m right on his heel.

“Well, well, well,” Vance says. He sits with his feet up on Dante’s desk, reclining in the leather chair. “Look who decided to finally pay us a visit.”

There are two guards immediately inside the door, Marco and Rafael, and four more behind Vance who I don’t recognize.

“Guns on the floor, boys,” Vance says.

“This is my home. Get your feet off my damn desk and your ass out of my chair,” Dante snaps.

My gun is drawn, aimed at Vance. I know the minute I pull the trigger, it’ll be a blood bath.

Vance removes his feet from the desk but doesn’t get up from his seat. “That’s no way to talk to guests.”

“You’re not a guest. You’re vermin,” I say.

Why is he here? What does he want?

“You’ll never touch Nikki,” Dante says. He keeps his gun trained on Vance.

“Do you think I want her anymore? Her father is dead. If she had been around, I’d have had to fight her for the throne,” Vance says. “Instead, the family is mine, and I control all of it.” He collapses his hands together on the desk.

“Why are you here? Where’s Paige?” It takes everything in me not to lunge at him and wrap my hands around his neck and strangle the life right out of him.

“Paige left with your daughter,” Vance says with a wry grin. “She kidnapped your little star.”

I swallow the lump in my throat.

He’s lying.

Paige would never kidnap Nova.