
“There’s a truck pulling into the compound,” Sawyer says over the earpiece. He’s one of my capos.

I’ve brought in nearly all my men and left only a few soldiers behind to guard our fort.

“Any sign of who or what is inside?” I ask.

It’s no secret that Gino is involved in arms deals, girls, and drugs. Two out of three I see little issue with, but women including children, hell no.

I have some morals.

“A guy in a suit just parked and is exiting his truck. I don’t recognize him,” Moreno says. He’s hunched beside me with binoculars, surveying the scene.

I hold out my hand. I want to see this douche bag who works for Gino.

I don’t recognize him. I hand the binoculars back to Moreno and glance down at the tablet that I brought. We’re connected to Wi-Fi through the phone towers, so we’re getting a decent signal, and I can keep an eye on their surveillance and make sure that no one is coming unexpectedly.

“Boss,” Sawyer’s voice cracks through the earpiece. The audio signal is having issues, but the video is still pristine.

I hold out a finger to Moreno to wait, and then the line comes back, crystal clear. “You wouldn’t believe this. The suit brought flowers, a bouquet of roses, to the compound. Who the fuck brings the don flowers?”

“It’s not for Gino,” I state, my mouth dry. “Whoever it is, he’s here for Nikki.”

I doubt there’s an entourage of women receiving flowers at the DeLuca compound. There may be several ladies held captive, but no one is wooing them.

A guy only buys flowers for a girl when he’s trying to fuck her or in the doghouse and apologizing.

I’m glad I didn’t waste another minute at home.

Am I impulsive? Probably, but I don’t give a shit.

Nikki is mine.

No one else is getting near Nikki or my baby.

Certainly not some suit with roses.

Fuck that. I can’t survey any longer.

“How many guards along the perimeter?” We need to move before the situation becomes dire.

Sawyer’s voice comes on the line first. “We’ve got two guards at the north entrance. I can create a diversion on the east side and draw them away.”

“Wait,” Caden, another capo, interrupts before Sawyer can follow through on his plan.

“Gino just stepped outside. I’ve got the shot. I can take him out,” Caden says.

Nikki is the priority, but the opportunity to take out the boss of the DeLuca empire is a worthwhile distraction. “Do it,” I say.

Gino is a pig, snatching young girls and trafficking them through his enterprise. He won’t be missed. Certainly not by me.

From my position, I can’t see the hit.

The surveillance footage doesn’t show it either, which is a blessing because at least his men won’t know what hit them.

Moreno and I keep an eye on the surveillance footage, giving my men ample time to take out guard after guard before we’re caught.