
She spins around on her heel and shoves the pregnancy box at my chest.

“And you think that I trust you?” Nikki scoffs at me. “I swear to God that if I’m pregnant, I’ll terminate it.”

“Excuse me?” My voice thunders at her suggestion. “The hell you will!”

I may not have wanted a kid, but there was no chance in hell that I was going to let her threaten to end the pregnancy.

Grabbing her wrists, I back her up into the bathroom, trapping her.

The stupid box with the pregnancy test falls to the floor. I kick it with my foot, bringing it with me into the bathroom.

“Get off of me!” Nikki shouts, struggling against me.

I’m tired of her antics. It’s clear that she’s used to getting what she wants. Maybe I should have expected it, considering who her father is. “Control yourself!”

I slam the bathroom door shut behind us and the walls vibrate.

She squirms against my grip until I finally let her go.

With a sigh, I bend down and hand her the box, letting her unravel the contents inside and take the test. I’m not sure whether she needs the instructions that accompany the test or not.

“Will you at least turn around so I can pee in private?” Nikki asks.

“No.” I fold my arms across my chest and lean against the shut door.

It’s not like her clothes aren’t already revealing.

There were t-shirts and sweats in the drawers of the bedroom. She hadn’t showered, let alone changed clothes before she climbed under the covers. With her thin pink negligee I can see everything.

Nikki grabs a disposable cup beside the sink for water and sits on the toilet. She takes the pregnancy test, and although I don’t stare at her, I watch to make sure that she isn’t cheating me of the truth.

She flushes the toilet and washes her hands. The cup with the pregnancy stick sits on the bathroom counter. Nikki purses her lips and sits down on the edge of the bathtub, her hands on her lap, shaking her head.

Her complexion has turned ghastly. Is she nervous about the results or still not feeling well from earlier?

I’d been stupid not to use a condom. I’d always been careful for this very reason. I was not ready to be a father.

I glance at my watch, keeping an eye on the time, waiting to check the test.

The absolute worst-case scenario stares back at me—two pink lines.
