“My daughter is a problem that needs fixing.”

That piques my curiosity and my interest.

She is a problem. My problem.

I don’t know what Gino’s issue is with Nicole. While I’m not fond of the idea of anyone choosing another’s spouse, I understand the notion. Our family has had arranged marriages for centuries. It’s the way we do things.

My father’s marriage was an arrangement between families. They both seemed happy. Mostly.

“Yes, Boss,” a male voice says. It’s rough and thick. Not the least bit young or new. He speaks with authority, like he’s comfortable with Gino.

I know it’s not Vance, Gino’s second. I’d recognize his voice with my eyes shut.

“Nicole is going to run. The child is pissed at me, and I’m not going to stop her. She stole from me several thousand dollars. I want her captured by our operation. Our men aren’t to know that she is my daughter.”

“But, Sir—”

“No!” Gino’s voice bellows. “This is for her own good. She needs to discover what it’s like to be sold to a monster.”

My blood boils. The room is hot like a sauna, and sweat drips from my forehead. I wipe it away.

I loosen the top three buttons on my shirt and slam my fist into the wall. My knuckles burn, and my fist tingles, but it does nothing to dull the ache in my chest.

Gino is the monster, and Nicole has no idea what is coming.