She means my glass of whiskey.

Damn, that shit is expensive.

The girls always get the off-label, and since it’s mixed, they can’t taste the difference.

She smiles coyly and bats her long dark lashes, but it’s just an act.

What game is she playing tonight?

“Hope you don’t mind. I prefer the good stuff, liquid gold.” Nicole gulps the whiskey in a matter of seconds and slams the glass down hard on the wooden table.

Her warm amber gaze has flecks of gold, and the longer she watches me, the more I fall into her stare.

What the hell is going on?

“Do you want to get out of here?”

I do more than anything, but my gut is telling me no. “How about I take you back to your place?” I suggest.

I already know she’s living with her father, but I wonder what excuse she’ll give me.