Chapter Thirty-Four


Leaving her had been devastating, but I trusted that she’d be safe. She had my Kevlar vest, and I handed her a pistol before leaving her alone.

I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Ariella ever again.

Well, at least tonight.

I may not have been able to protect her from every little thing in the world, but I could keep her safe from Sergio and the mob.

I headed opposite the road several meters before closing in on Sergio and Jayden. I didn’t want Sergio to know about my previous position.

Protecting Ariella was everything.

I hurried, not making myself all too silent.

Go ahead, buddy, come at me.

He hadn’t fired another shot in a few minutes, which either meant he was out of bullets or Jayden had restrained him.

There was a scuffle as I drew nearer.

Jayden and Sergio wrestled on the ground, throwing punches at one another.

This I could handle.

With my steel-toed boots, I kicked Sergio while he was down on the ground, nailing him in the back of the neck. I grabbed him by the hair and ripped him off Jayden with one hand. My other gun was positioned at his neck.

I tilted the gun up under his chin.

“You get a kick out of abducting, selling, and raping women?”

It wasn’t a rhetorical question.

He huffed and shrugged, probably trying to get out of my grasp.

I didn’t let him go.

Jayden stood, dusted his pants off, and reached for the gun that was on the ground, the one that had fired several rounds at Ariella and me minutes earlier.

“Are you just going to stand there threatening or finish the job?” Jayden asked.

“Call the authorities,” I said.

Jayden shook his head. “He doesn’t deserve a cell and three meals a day.”

“That’s not up to us.” I wasn’t a murderer.

At least I didn’t want to be one. I’d crossed the line with Angelo DeLuca. My interrogation methods had gone too far, and I had to live with what I’d done. DeLuca was a monster, same as Sergio, though, but killing them didn’t make me the good guy.

“The hell it isn’t!” Jayden lifted the gun and pointed it at Sergio’s head. “Tell me why I shouldn’t blast his ass to pieces?”

Sergio snickered as he stared at Jayden. “You don’t have it in you.”