Was there a cave nearby? Perhaps a tree or large rock that I could slip away, hidden and go unseen.

Did Sergio know the woods by heart? Did he frequent the area often?

This was his home, his land. I had to assume he knew every inch of the forest.

His footsteps treaded away. He hurried in the opposite direction.

Where was he going? Had he given up?

I exhaled a nervous breath and kept still for another solid minute before I quietly headed toward the road. At least, that was the direction I thought I was going.

Earlier, there’d been the sound of a vehicle, traffic. Which meant there were others nearby.

I needed to search whoever it was out and seek their help. Hopefully, they weren’t friends with Sergio, his posse.

Time seemed to stand still. A shotgun blasted in the opposite direction.

Had Jaxson and the team come to rescue me?

I heard a scuffle in the distance. Shit.

Tears threatened my vision. I kept moving. I couldn’t slow down.

I quickened my pace through the forest. My legs burned. My feet throbbed and were bloodied raw, but I didn’t slow down.

What if Sergio shot whoever had come to help? What if there was no one to find me? No one to save me.

I needed to save myself.

I hurried as fast as I could. I pushed away from the fence line and kept my pace, refusing to slow down even though my feet were raw and torn with cuts and scrapes.

A hand covered my mouth.

I opened my mouth to scream and bite down on the assailant.

“Shhh, it’s me, Freckles.” Jaxson’s warm whisper reached my ears.

I’ve never been so relieved to hear that nickname or feel his body nestled tight behind me.

My body trembled, and the tears sobbed out of me like a river.

“Take a breath,” Jaxson said, his voice soft and reassuring. “Jayden’s with Sergio. It’s not over yet.”

It wasn’t the time to rejoice.

Bullets flew through the air. Jaxson forced me quickly to the ground, shielding my body, laying above me as gunfire erupted from one direction.

“Well, we know where Sergio is,” Jaxson said. “I need to get you out of here and help Jayden. Can you stay down?”

“Don’t leave me,” I whispered. I’d never sounded so helpless in my life.

I didn’t want to be helpless. I wanted to be brave, but I was afraid.

“Who else is with you?” The other members of Eagle Tactical had to be out there and could help.

“It’s just Jayden and me.”

I whimpered in protest. I didn’t want anything to happen to him.