I hurried to clean up the stench that surrounded me. The dirt that covered me was an invisible layer created by Ben and others, like the men standing guard and Diamond with the remote ready to cause pain to anyone she deemed unworthy.

Suds covered me, and just as quickly as the rain shower soaked me, it was over.

The shower shut off without my approval.

The guard shucked a gray towel in my direction. “Dry off and drop your clothes in that bin.” He pointed at a giant garbage can by the exit of the bathroom.

Shit, my phone was buried in my shoes.

Well, at least it would stay on unnoticed. I wouldn’t be able to secure it on me without being seen. Even with just a towel, the guard hadn’t so much as looked away.

Privacy was apparently not in his vocabulary.

I wanted to offer a smartass remark about him taking a picture or if he’d never seen a naked woman before, but I held my tongue. I didn’t want to feel Diamond’s wrath or force it on the group of girls.

They’d come to hate me if I was the only one fighting back and we all were suffering the consequences.

* * *

One of Diamond’s assistants, her name was Iris, dressed me in a satin black negligee with thin straps that revealed too much cleavage and barely covered my ass.

I felt naked.

That was probably the point.

They hadn’t let me put my panties back on, so I kept pulling down the hem of the dress only to have it show more of my breasts.

Wonderful. I was going to be on display for a bunch of pervy men.

My hands trembled, and I tucked them into my arms, folding them across my chest, trying to at least keep some semblance of modesty.

I wasn’t the least bit comfortable. And while that should have been the last concern given the men with guns and the collar on my neck, it still was unsettling.

Iris fixed my hair up in curls, pinning part of it up while leaving some long locks in the back.

She did my makeup too, paying extra attention to my eyes and lips.

There wasn’t a mirror. I had no idea how I looked, but based on the other girls’ appearances. They were going a little too heavy with the eyeliner and lipstick.

I hardly ever wore makeup anyhow, and when I did it was a little gloss or colored balm for my lips. This felt like overkill.

It had grown dark hours ago.

My stomach grumbled.

The guards had brought in pizza for them to eat, but we weren’t given anything more than water.

Were they trying to starve us? Force us into obedience?

We were already following their every command.

The lights dimmed and flickered.

Hazel and I exchanged a brief glance.

“Girls!” Diamond clapped her hands, getting our attention. “It is time to unveil you to our guests. You are to use only the name we’ve given you tonight. There are cameras everywhere inside and outside of the property. If we so much as suspect any betrayal, you will be punished along with your sisters,” Diamond said.

She had us all line up with Hazel and me last in line. I wasn’t in any hurry to meet the men downstairs. They were probably men like Ben, wanting to get their dirty hands on us.