Why was I being detained?

Why did he keep me in the farther corner of his prison?

Cement walls and floors with iron wrought bars kept us contained. There was no way to escape, not without a key.

Every so often, I could hear the echo of female voices, but I couldn’t hear what they said. It was as if Angelo DeLuca knew why I’d been given to him, and he was keeping me from ever fulfilling my secret mission.

Would Jayden come for me?

What about Enzo Ricci?

* * *

Heavy footfalls thumped over the floor.

I sat up, waiting to see who was coming in my direction. Was it help? I hadn’t heard gunshots or any sound of fighting.

It didn’t seem likely that Enzo would show up and Angelo would hand me over to him.

“Well, well, well,” Angelo’s voice carried into my cell as he rounded the corner. He dressed in slacks and a black button-down shirt. His black hair looked greasy as he slicked it back with too much gel. “Get up!” he commanded.

I stood, folded my arms across my chest, and hesitated as I gradually moved toward the cell door.

Was he going to let me go? He didn’t seem the type to give a girl her freedom.

He leered in my direction, glancing every inch of me over. Was he undressing me mentally?

I was parched, and while my body trembled, I hoped that he didn’t notice my fear. “What do you want with me?” I asked.

“Tsk. Tsk.” Angelo shook his head, unapproving. “I ask the questions. You’ll listen.”

I wasn’t loyal to Enzo or to Angelo. All I cared about was my survival.

The second set of footsteps descended farther down the corridor.

“We know you’re the girlfriend of one of Enzo’s associates. What I can’t fathom is why Don Ricci gave you to us as a gift.” Angelo unlocked the cell door and stepped inside, leaving the door ajar.

Could I push past him and make a break for it?

“Any thoughts?” Angelo asked.

The second set of footsteps grew nearer and rounded the corner. I didn’t recognize the man. I’m not sure why I thought I might.

It wasn’t Jayden. There weren’t too many others I knew around here. I was still new to town.

Did Angelo know that about me? He already knew the same story that we’d fed to Enzo about our fake relationship.

Angelo stepped closer when I didn’t answer.

I felt trapped, my back against the cold cement wall, leaving me nowhere to go.

Slowly, he lifted a hand. His index finger stroked my cheek. “You’re a pretty girl. You might even pass for being honest.” He laughed with a darkness that sent a shudder down my spine. “You can rot in this cell or come work for Ben. He needs an associate, and I need more girls.”

Ben came to stand on the opposite side of the cell, his arms folded across his chest.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked Angelo.

“If she is intended as a rat, we’ll have her working for us, and if she’s not then, she’ll be indebted to me. I’m giving her a taste of freedom. It comes at a cost,” Angelo said.