Chapter Eight


Fuck! That did not go as planned.

Enzo had been on to me, but I wasn’t sure for how long.

Did he know that Skylar wasn’t my fiancé? He’d made no indication that we weren’t really together.

Why had he dragged my ass out of the party?

He hadn’t executed me. If he believed I’d betrayed him, he would have murdered me in cold blood. Enzo wasn’t a forgiving man.

Something had stopped him, but I wasn’t sure as to what.

And Skylar was still inside, locked up amongst mobsters and perverts.

What would happen to her?

Two burly guards dragged me kicking and screaming out of Don Ricci’s house. Neither had said a word to me about what the hell was going on.

They’d tossed me outside and waited until I got into my car and drove off the property before leaving me alone.

I couldn’t leave Skylar with those men alone.

I’d gotten her into this mess. It was all my fault.

I drove away from Enzo’s home, only out of force, but I didn’t leave.

I pulled off the road at the turn, making sure that I had a good vantage point, but that his men couldn’t easily spot me.

Security cameras were situated outside the property. I couldn’t sneak on without being seen, and while most of his security team was preoccupied with the party, there were still a number of guards keeping watch.

Which meant I needed another plan, one that was less conspicuous.

I could hide outside of the boss’s house and wait for Angelo DeLuca to leave. Assuming Skylar was forced to leave with him, I could tail his vehicle as soon as he left.

But what if she was dragged down through the compound and led out another exit that I hadn’t been privy to?

Or if they left along with other vehicles, whether part of DeLuca’s team or another guest of the party, and I couldn’t determine which vehicle she was trapped inside?

A dozen different scenarios played out in my head. None of them ended well for Skylar.

And I had failed in finding my niece.

What chance did I have of rescuing Skylar?

I undid the top couple of buttons on my shirt. I was suffocating.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I glanced down at the text message from Dante.

I know you didn’t leave. Meet me at the lookout. Ten minutes.

Was this a set up?

If Enzo wanted me dead, Dante would have taken the shot back at the house.

Why meet at the lookout?

I knew the location. It was where we picked up the shipment of girls. The ones who never made it the last time, which was odd considering the number of ladies forced to attend tonight’s event.

Where the hell had they come from?

I glanced at the phone once more, considering my options. If I go, there was a chance that I’d miss Skylar, but if I stayed, who was to say that I’d even see her leaving?

Exhaling an unsteady breath, I texted back that I would be there and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I climbed into my vehicle and headed for the lookout point. It would take me every bit of ten minutes to get to where Dante wanted to meet.