Chapter Thirty-One


Curled up in Jaxson’s arms, in his bed, I’d found it difficult to sleep.

“You’re still awake?” Jaxson whispered, his eyes open, the light from the nearby clock offering a hint of light in the darkened bedroom.

“Yes,” I said and sighed. How was I going to sleep after today’s events? Thankfully, Harper had been found, but I didn’t feel better about her being taken and dragged away by a mafia thug.

Small towns were supposed to be safe.

Jaxson reached for his phone, glancing at the screen briefly. “Lincoln texted that they’re on the way back from the hospital.”

I exhaled a heavy sigh of relief. “She’s okay?”

“I think so,” Jaxson said.

Silence filled the room. His warm grip held me again at my waist, cuddling me to him. He smelled wonderful, and my body relaxed against him, but my mind wouldn’t slow down.

“Hazel knows about us,” I said.

“That’s not a surprise. Lincoln saw us making out at the hospital,” Jaxson reminded me.

“You’re okay with people knowing about us?” Why were we continuing to hide our relationship? Little by little, our friends and colleagues had discovered what we’d been doing, sneaking around together.

We were two grown adults. Happy adults. Why did we have to hide it any longer?

He pulled me tighter, rolling us around, so that I was on top. His hands slid under my pajama shirt, and he began rubbing my back in soft, soothing motions.

“I think by now everyone knows,” Jaxson muttered with a laugh. “Hiding of it seems kind of pointless.”

I rolled us around, bringing him to lie above me, pinning me down. I liked when he was on top and took command, especially in the bedroom. I let my fingers dance along the rim of his boxers.

“What about Skylar and Izzie?” I asked, holding him tight against me. I didn’t want him to pull away.

“Skylar is a grown woman. She’s heard us having sex,” Jaxson said with a laugh. “Seems silly to continue to hide it from her. Besides, she’s hardly ever around. I like to be cautious around Izzie, but we’re not friends with benefits. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whispered. “Honestly, I’ve been worried. I know you wanted me to call that therapist, but I just can’t do it. I hate opening up to strangers. It’s hard enough for me to talk with you about my feelings. I keep worrying that they’ll tell me to move out. That living with my boss and hiding our relationship is unhealthy.”

“What?” Jaxson’s brow furrowed. “I don’t want you to leave, Ariella. If I haven’t made that perfectly clear, this is your home, with Izzie and me. I hope we haven’t made you feel unwelcome.”

“Gosh, no. You’ve been wonderful. It’s just sleeping in a different room, hiding our relationship. It makes me feel dirty.”

“I never want you to feel that way, ever. From now on, you sleep with me in here,” Jaxson said. “I like having you in my bed, knowing that you’re safe.”

“I like that too.”