“I met him in Vegas during a film shoot. He was romantic, charming, and I got really drunk. The rest is a blur, except that I woke up the next morning with his enormous diamond ring on my finger,” Harper said.

“What did you do?”

“I ran. A few months ago, I saw a segment on television about the mafia and organized crime across America. Enzo was featured with his buddies, the same guys who had liquored me up that night.”

“Shit,” I cursed under my breath. The bathroom door swung open, and I froze, worried that Enzo might storm in and join us.

He didn’t.

It was one of the waitresses. She headed for a stall.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I waited until the main door swung shut to speak. “We’ll get through this. Mason is on the way. He won’t let anything happen to you. Did Enzo see you?” It couldn’t be a coincidence that he’d shown up in Breckenridge.

Harper rubbed her forehead and splashed cold water on her face. “No, I don’t think so.”

“That’s good,” I said. “I can head back to the table, get the check, and have Hazel meet us outside.”

The waitress stepped out from the stall. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Do you need me to help?”

“I think we’re okay,” Harper said, offering a faint smile.

I texted Hazel to meet us outside that we’d have to grab something to eat later and then Mason to hurry that we had a problem.

Hopefully, he’d make it before Enzo spotted us.

I stepped out of the bathroom first, making sure no one was waiting outside to snatch Harper. I had no idea whether Enzo was violent or not.

Had he come to Breckenridge to claim his wife and bring her home with him?

“Come on.” I led her through the hallway and made a sharp right heading out of the restaurant. I glanced back toward the table, but it was too hard to see if Hazel had left already or if Enzo was still seated with Jayden.

What did Enzo and Jayden have in common? Why were they having lunch together?

We hurried out through the main exit and stood outside, catching up with Hazel.

“What’s going on?” Hazel asked. “Are you okay?” Her attention entirely on Harper.

Harper wrapped her arms around herself. “I just ran into someone who shouldn’t be here.”

She didn’t elaborate.

Was she worried that if she told Hazel, Lincoln would eventually find out? I couldn’t keep it a secret. It was too big, and Harper was in danger.

Wasn’t she?

Mason pulled the truck up out front and unlocked the doors. “Are you guys okay?”

“We are now,” Harper said. She yanked the backdoor open and hopped into the backseat. I climbed in beside her.

Were we seriously not going to talk about Enzo and the fact she’d married him? If it had been a moment of regret that she didn’t remember, there were ways to fix it.

Divorce was the first option that crossed my mind.

What was she afraid of?