I was part of that danger, risking his life, calling him for help to deal with Franco. Would I ever be able to live my life again in a normal way, or would I be forced to go into hiding or witness protection?

“I can defend myself,” Mason said. “Besides, nothing is going to happen to you while I’m with you.”

He was so confident in his answer. I found comfort in his words. I shifted on the bed, inching closer. While I didn’t reach out to touch him, I brushed against him, knowing he was next to me made me at ease.

“You trust Uncle Jeb?”

“With my life,” Mason said. “He won’t let anything happen to you either. Get some sleep.” His lips grazed my cheek once more before the bed shifted, and he pulled me into his arms, cradling me.

I opened my mouth to object, to point out this wasn’t professional, but it took too much energy and stamina that I didn’t have to fight with him. I let him hold me and protect me.

My legs tangled in his, pulling him closer. The heat of our bodies stirring desires that intensified within me. I couldn’t have him. He wasn’t mine. Not anymore.

* * *

I awoke with a start, Bear barking profusely downstairs. My body froze, the lights were off, the sky still dark. I didn’t know what time it was, but I felt much better, more rested. I’d slept for a while.

I reached out for Mason, but he wasn’t in bed with me. “Mason?” I whispered into the darkness, unable to see him.

He didn’t respond. Maybe he was downstairs and he’d startled Bear?

The sound of gunfire erupted downstairs.