Every fear that had flitted through my mind had vanished with his lips on mine.

“I left you a note the night I went home,” he whispered, dropping soft butterfly kisses to my neck yet again.

I froze, my eyes wide, pulled from the sweet moment, and thrown back like a rubber band that snapped me to the reality of what happened. “What?” I pulled back and put a hand between us to stop him. I needed to hear this, whatever he felt important enough to drop on me now.

“I didn’t want to wake you when I left, so I scribbled you a note and stuck it to your new fridge. I’m guessing you never saw it.” His eyes twinkled, and as I stared into the deep blue abyss, I could see he spoke the truth. Jaxson wasn’t a man that would lie to save himself.

I didn’t have the slightest idea he’d left a note. I’d been so upset with him for leaving and not so much as saying goodbye or texting that I’d grown angrier at myself for trusting again.

“I didn’t know that,” I whispered, staring at him. I shut my eyes and rested my forehead against his.

I shivered. I hadn’t felt cold, but the vehicle door had been open for quite some time, and we’d let out all the heat from the truck.

“We should get you inside where it’s warm,” Jaxson said.

I gave in, offering out my hand for him to help me out of the truck.

My boots sunk in the fresh snow as I followed him wordlessly inside his house. He shut off the alarm as we entered, and while I wanted to continue our festivities, Skylar rushed over to greet us.

“Are you okay? I heard on the news about the hostage takeover. Do you know what they wanted? Were you there? I heard Eagle Tactical was brought in.” Skylar rambled on.

I couldn’t deal with her. I glanced at Jaxson and pointed at the stairwell. “I’m going to take a shower.” I needed to rid myself of the filth that covered my body.

I wanted him to join me. I hoped he’d sneak away from Skylar and find his way into the bathroom with me. Unlike the last time when he’d rescued me from the cold water crashing down against me, this time, I wanted it to be different. I needed it to be different.

One look, that was all I could give him to convey what I desired. I had to watch every word spoken with Skylar in the room and Izzie nearby. I didn’t know where she was and couldn’t risk her repeating something sultry that would slip out past my lips.

I sauntered to the stairs and glanced over my shoulder, giving him the best come hither look that I could muster, and nodded toward upstairs. I wasn’t used to giving off a sexy vibe. Would he get the hint?