“Smart girl,” he said with a laugh. I imagined a dark and sinister smile behind those icy blue eyes. His voice sent a shiver down my spine. It was rough and thick. He snorted and lowered the gun but bent down to grab my arm. “You’re coming with me.” He yanked me to my feet, his grip tight and hard, unforgiving.

“No!” I pulled back from his grasp. I was safer with the other hostages. I didn’t trust the masked man, what he might make me do with him.

“You don’t tell me no,” he seethed and jerked my hair, his fist tangling the strands as he pulled my neck back to face him.

Were all eyes on us? I couldn’t look away, my neck twisted to stare only up at the man’s face, the mask making it impossible for me to see him.

He hoisted me over his shoulder and, with his other hand, grabbed Hazel’s arm. She at least had a thick sweatshirt to protect her from his tight grip.

“Let me go!” I fought with all my strength. My hands punched at his lower back, pounding into him. It was worthless. He wore a vest beneath his black shirt, thick like Kevlar, concealable.

“Shut it or I put a bullet in both of your heads!”