The fire alarm emitted its ear-piercing squeal—the white light flashed inside the hotel room. I pulled out my gun, prepared for whatever happened next.

Stalking toward the bathroom and the room’s exit, I gave a firm knock on the bathroom door.

“We hear it,” Ariella said. She pulled open the bathroom door. It didn’t appear that she’d started on cutting Hazel’s hair. At least I didn’t notice any recognizable difference.

“Put your hood back up,” I commanded. With my gun drawn, I grabbed the handle to the door and carefully stepped out into the hallway. Smoke filled the corridor. “Stay close.” I led the way with Ariella at the back and Hazel sandwiched between us.

My eyes burned with smoke, and I held my breath.

Fits of coughing erupted from behind. I couldn’t turn around to see if it was Hazel or Ariella struggling to breathe.

“Keep moving. We’re almost at the exit.” I had studied the exit from our hotel room. We had to pass three doors before I reached the door to the stairwell.

Through the blinding smoke, my eyes burned and teared. I felt for the door, swung it open, and was relieved the stairwell was smoke free. “Come on!” I shouted for Ariella and Hazel. They were right at my feet, both of them hurrying down the stairs with me.

The floodlights to the stairs emitted a faint halogen glow. The bulbs flickered, spitting out enough light to illuminate the path. I secured my gun, not wanting to alarm any of the guests as they poured out from each floor, the stairwell becoming further crowded as I kept Hazel behind Ariella and me tight to her back.

My boots trampled against the steps, and as I came to the first floor and followed the stream of guests out of the stairwell, my instincts took over.

Men with black ski masks and semi-automatic guns held hostages in the lobby.

“Turn that damned alarm off!” the man closest to me screamed. He waved the barrel aimlessly, threatening everyone but his buddies who had taken over the hotel.

“Get down!” another masked man shouted at us, his weapon poised at the guests coming down the stairwell. “On the ground, now!”

I gestured for Hazel and Ariella to get down.

“No secret signals.” The masked man smashed the barrel of the weapon against my head, knocking me to my ass. Blood dripped down my forehead. The gash burned, but not worse than my pride. Doubled over, he searched me for a weapon. His semi-automatic pointed at my head. He shoved my gun into his dark black pants.

“Eagle Tactical, huh? You’re coming with us.”