Chapter Twenty-Six


I lifted Ariella into my arms and carried her from the bathroom to my bed. With a gentle finesse I laid her down on the mattress and helped guide her under the warm downy blankets.

“Freckles?” My stomach clenched, concern in my tone. “Are you all right?” She wasn’t all right. Only an idiot would have asked such a stupid question.

I climbed atop the covers. My body nestled tight beside hers. She lay calm, motionless on her back, cocooned under the comforter and bedsheets. I breathed in her scent and shut my eyes, smiling and torn up inside. How was I going to handle letting her live under my roof but keeping things platonic? I never intended for last night to be a one-night stand but if we couldn’t be together—I didn’t want to finish that thought.

I kissed her cheek and stood. Quiet as a mouse I slipped out of the bedroom, grabbed a towel from the linen closet and hurried back to avoid Skylar. I didn’t want to deal with her tonight. I didn’t have it in me to answer her questions or see the disapproving look cross her face.

I withdrew my phone from my pocket. A group text popped up for me on the main screen. My vision glazed over the display, the letters blurring together. I’d read it later.

I stripped down and tossed my filthy clothes into the hamper. Doing my best to keep the noise down I meandered into the bathroom and left the door slightly ajar. If she needed me, I wanted to hear her. I started the shower and was pleased the water had heated again.

Scrubbing the smoke, blood, and dried remnants of grime down the drain, I let the water immerse me as if nothing else existed. One hand rested against the cold tile as water pounded my face, my chest, soaking me inside and out. My eyes burned and I shoved my face back under the hot spray. Rubbed my eyes and finished my shower.

When I was done, I slipped on a pair of boxers and sat at the edge of the mattress and reached for my phone. I wouldn’t be able to sleep without knowing what was sent.

Lincoln had sent a new text:If you can keep it in your pants, she’s hired. No fraternizing with the subordinate.

The text had been sent to all of Eagle Tactical. Obviously, the guys had discussed hiring her. I assumed Mason had been behind it after our discussion in the truck earlier. Relief should have washed over me, but it didn’t. Conflicted, hurt, the desire pent up inside of me would have to be squashed. We had to keep things platonic.

They were right, it would be for the best. If she would be living under my roof, we couldn’t start a relationship and work together, not if I was her boss. This was abouther. What was in her best interest. Ariella came first.

I climbed under the covers beside her. It would be the last night we could share a bed. Tomorrow I would have to show her to the guest room, but tonight I would savior the warmth of her body and the sweet smell of her scent on my pillow.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, Ariella didn’t stir. She was serene in slumber and I hoped her dreams offered her peace.

* * *

“Daddy!” Izzie’s squeal brought me out of dreamland.

Sunlight poured in through the curtains. I buried my face in the pillow. Dawn broke. I wasn’t ready to face the day, but my little munchkin made sure I was made aware of the hour.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and realized Ariella lay asleep beside me in bed. I held up my finger to my lips to indicate to Isabella to be quiet. Climbing out of bed, the cold floor causing a shiver to run down my spine.

Izzie’s eyes were wide and bright. I followed her out of the bedroom and closed the door holding one hand on the wood to keep it from banging shut, steadying it.

She grasped onto my hand and I lifted my little munchkin into my arms, carrying her down the stairs.


“Yes, I will make you breakfast,” I rasped. I tried to keep quiet not to wake Skylar either. When did she plan on leaving?

Izzie squirmed out of my arms and I sat her on the counter. “Pancakes, Daddy?”

Opening the pantry, I pulled out the pancake mix along with a bowl. “Yes, I can make pancakes for you this morning.” I kissed her cheek.

Soft footsteps trampled down the back stairs. If I knew Skylar, she would sleep all afternoon. While she’d been up early yesterday to help with Izzie, if she didn’t have to, she wouldn’t.

“Good morning,” Ariella said, her soft voice greeted. It was music to my ears.

I could get used to this, but things had to change. “Morning,” I said. My tone came out gruffer than I intended. She quirked an eyebrow and I offered her a smile, not wanting to alarm her. “You look better.”

Her gaze fell to the floor, a blush spread across her cheeks. Ariella nibbled on her bottom lip, avoiding my stare.

I wanted to reach out and guide her chin up to see her stare. The guys were right, I had to keep things platonic between us. “I have some good news. Do you want to take a seat?”