I approached Jayden first with Mason right at my hip, defending me.

Jayden didn’t budge from his position at the door, standing guard. “What brings the Eagle Tactical guys out here today?” His eyes raked over me, landing on my holster. “You came armed?”

“Don’t I always?” I didn’t go anywhere without packing heat. “We’re here to speak to Ian Connor and Seth Rogers.” One glance at the surveillance footage sent to my phone, and I knew these men. They were scumbags, but they weren’t blackmailers or extortionists. The fact they roughed up a girl, Ariella, wasn’t their typical M.O.

Jayden shifted his weight on his feet. I took that as a sign of discomfort, although his face appeared blank and emotionless. “What about?”

“Your guys threatened and assaulted one of mine,” I seethed between clenched teeth. Stepping closer, one hand balled into a fist, the other I pulled my weapon and shoved it into Jayden’s face.

“You’ll let me inside.” I was tired of his childish games and antics.

Mason cleared his throat and rested a hand on my arm. “Jaxson.” His tone warned me to cool off or calm down.

We weren’t going in for a firefight, but I damn well would bring them one if they so much as looked at Ariella again.

“Is this official Eagle Tactical business?” Jayden asked.

I lowered my gun and shoved my shoulder into Jayden’s chest and knocked him backward and into the doorjamb. I didn’t wait for an invitation. I plowed through the front entrance. “Ian Connor! Seth Rogers!” I shouted, letting the bastards know I had come for them.

Mason was at my side. “You sure you want to do that?” he whispered.

I wouldn’t let anything happen tomygirl. We would be quick, in and out, and then could go home and call it a night. I’d throw myself in the shower, let the scalding water rush down my body, and wipe away my sins—every one of them.

Ian strolled around the corner. His hands shoved into his jeans, shoulders slumped. “What brings you boys to my neck of the woods?” Ian asked. He edged closer, just out of my reach, taking his sweet ass time.

My eyes narrowed like a hawk, my focus solely on Ian. “The fact you haven’t learned how to treat a lady with respect,” I said. I shoved my gun into its holster on my hip and grabbed him by the shoulders, his t-shirt thin and threadbare torn. Forcing his knees to the ground, I shoved my leg hard upwards. My knee caught his chin as I barreled into him. Pinning him to the floor, he wrestled to get away from me.

“Get off me!” Ian scurried to escape my clutches.

“What? Don’t enjoy being manhandled? You should keep your filthy paws off my girl,” I growled at him. He kicked me sweeping his feet out to knock me on my ass. “Bastard.”

“Me? You come to my home,” he said, gasping for breath, “and attack me!”

I ignored the throes of people standing around watching us in the center fighting like wild animals. He deserved a good ass-kicking for what he did to Ariella. I wanted him to remember the pain.

“You need a hand?” Mason asked. He folded his arms across his chest and towered above.

He seemed to enjoy the show. “Just keep an eye out for the other asshole,” I muttered.

“Already watching him,” Mason said. His eyes were on him, and I glanced across the large room and laid eyes on Seth. Mason stalked across the room, and I didn’t have to watch to know he’d take care of him in the same way I was looking after Ian.

I pulled back my fist, landing a blow to Ian’s face, stunning him momentarily. Standing up, I would not lie around when a man’s ass needed kicking.

“What girl would ever want the likes of you?” Ian asked, getting to his feet. He lunged for me, headfirst into my stomach. Knocking me backward, I tripped over someone who stuck out their foot, giving Ian a hand.

“Fucking bastards,” I growled and planted my hands on the floor to stand when I realized my hip was ice cold, my gun gone. I glanced over my shoulder to find the barrel of my weapon staring back at me, in the hands of Emma Foster, my daughters’ biological mother. The same woman I told to leave town. What the fuck was she doing here?

“Get up,” Emma held my weapon. Her hands trembled as she pointed it at me.

Slow and cautious, I stood, careful not to make any sudden movements. “Give me the gun.” I held out my hand, waiting for her to relinquish control over the weapon. The brunette with brown eyes who had charmed me once would not do it ever again.

“No.” She refused to lower the barrel of my gun.

So be it. I would not stand there and wait for her to shoot me, accident or otherwise. On second thought, it might not be an accident if she had returned to Breckenridge to get Izzie back. “Last chance, Emma, or I’m about to break your finger.” No one said I didn’t warn her.

She huffed under her breath. “I have the gun, Jaxson,” she said, reminding me she thought she was in power.

I had military and survival training. With a sloth grip, four fingers, and not using my thumb, I slammed my right hand against her wrist. My left hand I spun the gun from her palm and turned it toward her.