“I thought no publicity was bad publicity,” I said. I guess that wasn’t true.

“That’s a lie,” Ariella said.

I tried to keep a level head, remain calm. Hearing her life had been in danger worried me. I’d dealt with some unhinged people in my line of work. “Have the threats stopped since moving here?” I asked. She’d tell me if she was in danger, wouldn’t she?

Slowly, she nodded. “No one seems to know who I am. As long as that continues, I should be fine. I just keep hoping with time it’ll all blow over.” She twirled the edge of her long dark hair. “I’m not sure if you know this, but I was blonde when it all happened—the trial, the threats, the news media. Having long dark hair has made it, so no one recognizes me.”

I liked her hair. Hell, I liked almost everything about her. I wasn’t too happy about her past, but I accepted it. Letting out a soft breath, my fingers tangling in her curls. I leaned forward, I wanted to kiss her, to take away her pain and the difficulty of her past. “I like your dark hair. I think it looks sexy,” I whispered. Everything about her was sexy, from her bottom pouty lip to the bounce in her step.

Her eyes slowly closed, and she leaned forward, our lips collided as I pulled her closer. Bringing her onto my lap, the kiss deepened. She shifted against my hips, making my insides roar to life with the sweet sounds she made of a soft moan from the back of her throat. I wanted to devour her and taste every inch of her body, but we couldn’t do it here, not in Lincoln’s place above the bar.

I pulled back with all the strength I had, and my forehead pressed against hers. Listening to the soft, heavy gasps for air as she caught her breath, I stole one more kiss. “I should get you home and to bed,” I whispered.

“I’d like that very much.”

* * *

I led Ariella downstairs and out the side door for privacy. I kept her close, with one hand at her lower back, keeping her at my side in the darkness. I’d always had decent night vision, adjusting quicker than most. I opened the passenger side door and helped her into the truck. I waited for her to buckle before I shut the door and came around to my side.

I wanted to follow her inside, take her home and ravish every ounce of her skin. Would she invite me inside? I didn’t want to be forceful or take advantage of the situation. She had two drinks, but that had been quite a while ago. While she could have probably driven herself home, I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to take care of her.

The ride was short and quick. I pulled up out front and hustled to her car door. Leading her to the dark cabin, I wanted to make sure she got inside safely, especially without a porch light. “You should install solar lights outside,” I said. I doubted she’d do much until the spring thaw. It was too cold to dig up the yard.

“I’ll add that to my to-do list,” Ariella said. She stood outside, keys in hand, fidgeting with them but not making any attempt to unlock the door.

I had no intention of leaving until she went inside. I shoved my hands into my coat pocket to keep warm and shuffled my feet. “I hope you’re feeling better.”

“I am. Thank you for that tonight. Do you want to come in? I can offer you coffee, a drink, or something else?” She chewed her bottom lip. Ariella looked nervous. I couldn’t tell if she was hesitant or just worried I’d turn her down.

“I’d love that something else,” I said, teasing her.

Her cheeks reddened, and I waited for her to unlock the door before I followed her inside. After a minute, she turned on the lantern and lit a few candles. It made for a nice ambient glow.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Ariella offered. She removed her coat and boots. I did the same, keeping mine by the door.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” I said as I approached the wood-burning stove. I bent down and grabbed the handle to open the door. The hinge squeaked in protest. I made a mental note to fix that next time I came over. “I’m going to throw some wood on the fire.” While I looked forward to climbing under the covers with Ariella, I also didn’t want the cabin to be frigid. However, it would give me an excuse to cuddle up against her and make her hot and sweaty.

Stoking the fire, bringing it roaring back to life, I tossed in a piece of wood and then another. Her gaze never left me. “See something you like?”

“Actually, yes,” she said and sauntered over toward me. With two bottles of beer in hand, she put them down on the coffee table and tugged on her bottom lip, pulling it between her teeth. Was it a nervous habit or something else? I hadn’t been around her enough to take note.

“What’s that?” I asked, cocking a grin at her.

She gestured at my clothes. “You have too much on. I liked what I saw earlier tonight. Too bad Mason walked in.”

“It was too bad, wasn’t it?” I’d have to get my clothes tomorrow and return Mason’s sweats. I stalked toward her and pulled her into my arms, her body nestled tight against mine, a perfect fit. “Seems only fair, though, to see you in nothing but your underwear.”