“A golden shower,” I said and grinned. “We all know she deserves it.”

“Ouch,” Declan said and stepped away from the ladies. He came around to the other side, going behind the bar. He turned to face me, keeping his voice low so that only I could hear him. “Take the night off. You’re not doing Lincoln any favors antagonizing the customers.”

I wasn’t one to walk away or back down. “Lincoln asked for my help.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think he’s going to appreciate when his customers don’t come back because you’re giving them disgusting drinks.”

“My tight snatch is pretty good,” Ariella said. They could hear our private conversation. She sipped her drink, offering me a warm smile.

Declan grabbed me by the arm and dragged me around to the back room, out of earshot of any customers. “What the hell is going on?”

“Emma is now friends with Ariella!” I couldn’t just let it go. It wasn’t bad enough Emma had returned, but now she was making friends around town. To me, that meant she wasn’t planning on leaving soon.

“Oh, the horror,” Declan said with a laugh and rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen you face down far worse and not break a sweat. These two women have you in a tizzy, Jaxson. Go home, clear your head.”

“I can’t do that.” I wouldn’t leave. Lincoln needed me, and I hadn’t seen Ariella in a month. As angry as I was with her, I was glad to see her. It meant she was still in Breckenridge and hadn’t left because of me.

“Shit, man. You’re smitten. I’m just not sure for which one.”

I folded my arms across my chest, my face neutral. “You’re confused.”

“I think you’re the one who is confused,” Declan said. “I know you’re upset with Emma, but she told you about Izzie. You could give her a second chance.”

Emma? Did he think I had feelings for Emma still? “Emma’s the mother of my child, but that’s it. I can’t even look at her in that way, knowing she wanted to give up Izzie, my daughter, to a stranger.”

“Well, she did the right thing. She didn’t lie about not knowing who the father was, and she came to you. That couldn’t have been easy.”

He was right. It wasn’t easy for either of them. “This isn’t about Emma.”

“Of course, it’s not.” Declan’s eyes narrowed. “So, it’s about Ariella?”

“No,” I said, answering a little too quick and forceful.

Declan grinned. “Okay, good. I know she’s got a past, but she’s hot. If you’re not going to ask her out or pursue her, I will.”

“Don’t you dare!” The thought of Declan taking Ariella home boiled my blood.

Smirking, he walked backward out of the hall and approached the bar. “Never took you for the jealous type.”

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath as I headed back out to help bartend. “Me either.”

At first glance, I didn’t see Ariella or Emma. They’d both gotten up and were now dancing to the music that had been cranked up louder. Drink in hand, Ariella swayed to the music. Her hips doing things that made my body respond in ways I wasn’t prepared for tonight. I found it difficult to focus on anything but her as I stood behind the bar.

Ariella locked eyes with me and smiled. Whether it was the drinks or the fact she was having fun, I couldn’t tell. She nodded in my direction, acknowledging me.

I tore my gaze away from her. She’d lied to me, fooled me into believing she needed help and money, and I’d been the sucker to buy her a damned refrigerator. I hated myself for it, but even more so, I hated Ariella for how she made me feel.

A gentleman I didn’t recognize sauntered over to her, dancing up against her, coming between Ariella and Emma. The younger man was shorter than me and a few pounds heavier, but not in muscle. I didn’t have to worry about him stealing her interest, right? He wasn’t that attractive.

Ariella laughed and feigned a smile. Was she talking to him? I couldn’t believe he’d earned her time. I stared down at the counter, grabbed a rag, and scrubbed at the wood, and rubbed at it hard as if that would take away the anger and pain that radiated through my chest.

My eyes refused to lift upward. I didn’t want to witness another man flirt with Ariella. Even if I was pissed at her, she was off-limits to anyone else. My hands bunched into fists, and I threw the rag on the floor, my feet slammed against the tile as I came around from behind the bar.

Her blue eyes widened on my approach, and she shifted awkwardly, holding up a hand to tell the gentleman to back off. “Please back off,” Ariella said. Her voice was soft, tentative, not the least bit threatening.

“Come on, now,” the man groaned and stepped closer. His lips hovered by her ear as he whispered something to her.

I hurried across the dance floor, wanting to make sure she was all right. I stepped between him and Ariella and threw my arm around her. “Sorry I’m late, babe,” I said and planted my lips on hers. I was saving her ass or about to get sucker punched.