“Am I allowed to pop in and see them?”

“At your own risk,” Akila said. “She refused painkillers.”

Will laughed, “Her mouth is terrible right now. You gotta have thick skin, or your feelings will get hurt.”

The rest of the parents murmured their agreement with small laughs. “I’ll be fine; I’ve had extensive training. What’s the room number?”

Chapter 36

Cayla had heard of pleasure and pain existing at the same time but hadn’t experienced it until Dex had entered the waiting room two days ago looking like everything she wanted and nothing she could have. Previously, there used to be a moment or some sort of indication that he still cared when she’d pissed him off, but this freeze was the boss level. His whole persona said, I’m not fucking with Cayla today. His closed-off expression, all black clothing, lack of acknowledgement, and the parting jab when he’d left to find Nick and Kalilah and never came back were all indicators that he still wasn’t willing to talk to her.

She was too hurt and supremely focused on not crying to be embarrassed when each of the four parents would randomly give her a sympathetic smile. They’d ignored the event; all showing that they were not intervening. It was pointless. In the spirit of Nick’s advice, she was taking ownership, and this was one-hundred percent her fault.

The hard part was apologizing. Not because she thought she was above apologizing; it was being able to convince him to listen to her. Cowering in her house for the last two days wasn’t working. She took a deep sigh and pulled out her phone.

Cayla: Can we talk?

Read 11:00 AM

Cayla: It’s important.

Read 11:10 AM

Cayla: Will you please hear me out?

Read 11:22 AM

Cayla blew out a frustrated breath. This was not going to be easy. He’d proven that in a little over twenty minutes.

Cayla: I miss you, Dex.

Read 1:45 PM

She threw her phone down next to her on the bed. A fresh wave of tears prickled her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. She would have jumped in her car and hunted him down, but she had no idea where to find him. Their parents may not have caught it, but Cayla knew him well enough to know he knew damn well where he was staying. He was a professional traveler; certain arrangements were second nature. He didn’t want her to know where he was staying. She’d received his message loud and clear.

Cayla swiped at her tears and hit dial. She was not surprised when her call was declined. She tried the exact same thing three days in a row and got the same results. She was left on “Read” and sent to voicemail.

Then, she started with the gifts for the next three days. Each time she’d sent him something to The Food Lab, it would come back to her via courier. No note, no text, no phone call. Cayla dug deep. What did he want from her? To figure out who she was and what she wanted. Hope buzzed for the first time in months. Cayla had a new plan.

Dex stared at the clock on his nightstand. Fuck it. He was not doing anything. He was taking the day off to think about life. He’d been crowding Nick and Kalilah and getting all the love he could get from his sweet little nephew. Holding him was the only time he didn’t feel completely empty. Cayla’s attempts to reconcile left him hopeful and hostile at the same time. Can we talk? Hell nawl! Why? So she could apologize and expect to move on? Again? The gifts were as out of touch as her attempts to text. The fruit, cookies, and flowers all went back as quickly as they came. Her notes were nothing but attempts to meet.

Meeting was his weakness. He’d likely to crack face-to-face. His body still craved her and being near her and her scent would have him reverting to the crazy man who kept going back to a woman who hadn’t changed. His phone pinged again right on time.

Cayla: Hot chocolate is my favorite drink of all time. Hands down. After trying an obscene amount, I’ve crowned Land O Lakes as my favorite brand because of their creativity and variety. Plus, the amaretto hot cocoa is great for spiked hot chocolate. I highly doubt you could beat them.

Dex lips twitched for the first time since the party. Better, but not worthy of a response. He was positive he could beat them in his sleep. He received another text an hour later.

Cayla: Wine still makes me cringe, but I did give it a chance. I’ tried so many types I’d accidentally gotten drunk and had fallen asleep on my living room floor. Kalilah stopped by the next morning. I woke up to her tapping me with her foot because she wasn’t sure if I’d somehow died.

Dex cracked a full smile. He could imagine the scene. A horrified and very pregnant Kalilah kicking Cayla to make sure she’s still alive.

Cayla: I still like the one you served me best. However, I don’t know if I like it or if I was just full of despair. What was it? Beer is still ‘a no from me’ BTW.

Dex moved his fingers over the keys then retreated. Nice try. Food preferences and a Simon Cowell reference were not worthy of a response. He was in the middle of watching a movie in his hotel room when his phone pinged again. He started to see a pattern.

Cayla: I do believe my favorite Italian inspired dish ever is shrimp scampi. Although, I haven’t done an Italian restaurant tour to determine who does it best.

If he was talking to her, he would tell her that he makes a mean shrimp scampi. He was eating dinner when the next text came through.