“Take a class for what?” Cayla was confused by his question.

“Missing the damn point. That is what you mastered in, isn’t it?”

Cayla didn’t like Dex’s tone or how he seemingly assaulted her intelligence. She stormed to the dresser took the earrings and the bracelet off. The shoes followed, and she started taking off the dress. She refused to cry. She would not let him see how his insults cut her deep.

“You don’t have to worry about me missing any more of your points.”

“Good. Because it’s over, whatever you’d prefer to call it, is over. I don’t want you here when I come back. I will send a driver to take you to LAX. Go figure out what you want out of life. I have to go back downstairs and focus on my career.”

Hearing his words and the caustic way he delivered them hurt more than anything she’d ever experienced.

“You’re choosing your career over me.” It wasn’t a question. She busied herself with picking out an outfit to wear to the airport.

“A thousand times, yes. My career is consistent, a constant. You…” He shook his head and sighed heavily. “You don’t want to be chosen. I am done trying to chase you.”

Dex moved closer to the door. “That’s it. Are you telling me to pack my shit and go away forever.”

Dex grabbed the doorknob. “That’s the textbook definition of being done. Keep the clothes and the purse. I’ll return the ring.”

Cayla looked at the box on the dresser while performing a mental inventory of the items that were in her possession.

“I had a bracelet and earrings. You didn’t give me a ring…” Cayla’s bones felt heavy, and her heart dropped to her toes as her brain caught up. She gasped for air because she forgot to breathe.

“And I won’t. Love wasn’t designed to be one-sided. That’s because unrequited love is a bitch that hurts like hell. You don’t know who you are or what you want. You are not capable of accepting my love. If the idea of being my girlfriend was too much for you to process, being my fiancée or wife would drive you insane. I’m doing both of us a favor and getting off this roller coaster.”

Dex’s voice cracked on the last word. He used his hand to steady himself on the wall and bowed his head to regain his composure. When his eyes met hers again, she was momentarily privy to the pain radiating inside of him. She took a step closer to him. Feeling the need to comfort him.

He swung the door open. “Goodbye, Cayla.”

The soft click of the door was the most damning thing she’d ever heard.

Chapter 34

Dex stared out at the ocean from the window of his beach house. He was wrong; the sunshine and beach had done nothing to heal the huge gaping hole in his heart. He was essentially the grouch on the beach. After their breakup – if one could call it a break up – He’d returned to the party and pasted on a happy face despite dying on the inside. Nathan and Cody were gracious enough to not ask about Cayla’s sudden disappearance. He’d scheduled her a flight home in coach. Once the Uber in Houston confirmed that she was successfully picked up and delivered to her home, he blocked her.

After the party, he’d returned to the scene of the crime only to find the things he’d purchased for her still on the bed. Fighting back tears, he’d marched it down to the concierge, and demanded they put it in a box and ship it to her. He included a note inside that read: I can’t wear this shit. Give it to Kalilah if you don’t want it.

Once he was settled in the new room he’d requested, he’d logged into every social media platform to block and unfollow her. He had to go cold turkey if he expected to heal. That moment, in his dark hotel room with nothing but his thoughts and tears, he’d decided to move California early. He’d done just that. His computer chimed with a FaceTime call. He walked around to his desk and answered it.

“Hi, Dad,” he greeted with forced cheerfulness.

Andrew didn’t say anything. Dex watched as Nick and Amelia came onto the screen as well. What the hell is up with the family FaceTime?

“Hello, son. This is an intervention.”

Dex rolled his eyes. “And what’s my addiction?”

“Avoidance,” Nick supplied.

“I’m not avoiding anything.” Dex felt his defenses rising.

“You’re avoiding Houston and dealing with your feelings for Cayla.” That was his mom.

“Those Wright women give our boys hell, Amelia.” Andrew laughed. “Shit, I’m happy they don’t have a son.”

Dex and Nick weren’t amused. Nick felt the pain Dex was in, but Dex had been in it longer. It had been two months since he’d sent Cayla home. Nick had only lost Kalilah for a little over a week. Dex didn’t know if she’d tried to contact him and didn’t need to know the answer.

“Seriously, son. Love is a constant battle. I still want to thump your mother in the head sometimes.” Andrew flinched when Amelia punched him in the arm.