“Have we hung out enough to offset all the sex?”

“Not even close.” Cayla laughed. “We would have to be celibate for a few months just to catch up in dates.”

“Nope. That won’t do. Break it down by hours?” Dex queried.

“No, I think outfit changes would be the best way to do it.”

Dex nodded thoughtfully. “I think that would put us right at ten. Which means sailing, touring, eating barbeque was one date.”

“Wow, we’ve been busy,” Cayla said after swallowing some cantaloupe.

“If you count nudity as an outfit change then we’ve had many more dates.”

“Dex! How did you get in the gutter that fast?”

His eyes gleamed naughtily in the shade. “It’s your fault with the crop top and the skirt you’re wearing.” He humped his shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m just saying it’s a picnic, and you look edible.”

“Do you remember how you offered to help me figure out what I like in and out of the bedroom?”

“Yes.” His eyes now bored into her.

“I have a few things to try on my list.”

“Well, get your sexy ass over here and tell me.”

Cayla swallowed her slice of kiwi then pushed the fruit salad aside. Dex had just taken her from being content living out her picnic fantasies – talking, eating, reading, and cuddling – to hot sex fantasies she’d been too shy to attempt. But, the way Dex looked at her as he finished his strawberry had her closing the distance between them.

A slight glimmer of surprise flashed in his eye when she straddled him. He accepted her kiss and matched her fervor. Cuddling all morning without sex must have kicked her hormones into overdrive because she was taking risks she’d never taken. Her hands were in his hair and tongue in his mouth, her blood flowed like warm honey. Dex’s fingers were gripping the naked skin of her sides. It wasn’t enough contact for her. Not enough friction. She pressed her covered breasts against his chest and moved her way up his body.

Cayla whimpered when their bodies lined up exactly the way she wanted. The hard seam of his shorts containing his erection poked her soaked thin cotton barrier. She rolled her hips, and the pleasure of contact had her head falling back. Dex nibbled and sucked on her exposed throat. His hands that traveled underneath her skirt gripped her almost naked ass. He squeezed her cheeks when she rocked against him again. Pleasure shot from his mouth to her clit and from his hands up her spine. She needed Dex, consequences be damned.

“I’ve never been on top before.” Dex growled against her mouth and his erection twitched underneath her.

“I’ll be happy to help you with that. What else?” His voice was extra hot.

Her hands roamed his hard body, greedily touching everything she could. “I would like more blow job practice.”

“Definitely,” he agreed getting hotter by the second. “And?”

Cayla was having trouble concentrating because one of his hands was toying with the line of her panties. “Sex outside is at the top of my list.”

Her hand went to work releasing Dex from his shorts. His erection popped out big, hard, and ready. Dex slid her panties to the side and nudged h

er entrance with his tip.

“Ride me, baby. Let’s cross two things off your list right now.”

Chapter 32

Cayla eyed the tarmac nervously while she awaited take off. She wasn’t a nervous flyer who needed medication or alcohol to fly, but she didn’t feel comfortable until she was in the air. She loved the private jet and its amenities but would not be comfortable enough to explore it fully until she was cruising in the air. Dex appeared next to her, settling in his seat after chatting with the crew and squeezing her hand.

Those damn butterflies returned. Ever since they’d returned from Austin, she’d been the teenaged girl to his heartthrob. His touches gave her butterflies, and his smiles made her heart flutter. She internet stalked him now – more than usual – often refreshing her feeds in case she missed something. She’d also had to stop herself several times from popping up at his house or calling to beg him to come over. What the fuck? It’s like everything she was supposed to do in high school, she was trying to do now.

Cayla shook it off, claiming idle time was the reason she was extra infatuated. She’d spent the last week and a half bugging the hell out of her family. Even her own momma was tired of seeing her pop up. She needed the distraction. Cayla even picked up extra sessions with Natalia to work out her frustration and occupy herself with counting Max’s muscles. She didn’t want Max for herself, but he was wonderful eye candy.

One lunch date with Felix at The Food Lab ended with his extra blunt ass telling her to woman up and admit she was in love with Dex. Cayla balked and called him a liar. His shrug told her he didn’t care about her obvious choice not to face the hard truths. He waved her off with a “fine, learn the hard way.” And moved on to another conversation. His facial expressions reiterated his thoughts when he caught Cayla staring at Dex at least twice. They were becoming even closer even with his strong opinions on…everything.

The part that kept replaying in her head was the picnic sex.