His eyes locked with Kalilah’s assistant’s dark brown ones as she made her way to him. Lena was smirking at him like they shared a secret. Her wavy brown locks floated as she walked; her Greek background provided her with a natural tan. Her olive-green dress was conservative and sexy at the same time. Its form-hugging fit with a V-neck bodice made it sexy while the quarter length sleeves and knee length hem kept her covered up and professional. She was a cute girl, but they didn’t have any inside secrets.

She shook his hand with her smaller, softer, French manicured one before she spoke. “I’m sooo happy you are here, Mr. Sinclair.”

“Are you?” Nick mused, interested to see where the conversation was heading.

Lena approaching him was out of character. She was one of the only women on the executive floor who kept a respectful, professional distance. She also didn’t try to butter him up with food.

“Yes,” she said, her hair bobbing with her nod. “The boss has been out of sorts the past few days. Very moody.”

Nick’s kept a neutral face, but his blood pressure spiked.

“And I affect her mood?” he asked, cautious to not jump to any conclusions.

Lena’s smile widened. “Well, she hates having…technical issues. It’s comforting to know you’re here, sir.”

Nick smiled. His body relaxed a little. Kalilah did hate having technical issues. He remembered the first day he’d seen her flip out on her laptop. If she had been in a decent mood then and still went all Darth Vader on her laptop, he could only imagine how she would react if she was already in a bad mood.

“Wait. How bad of a mood?”

Lena shrugged. “The worst any of us has ever seen. We all avoided her when we could. The few extra hours this morning were much needed.” Lena looked over her shoulder at Kalilah joking with some of the team members. “Thank you, sir.”

Nick shrugged. “I’m not special--any tech guy could do.”

“Not true,” Lena disagreed. “You fix her technical issues.”

Nick laughed. “Yes, I’m really good at fixing technical issues; it’s what I do.” Lena giggled.

It wasn’t until after the meeting started when Nick fully realized that Lena was not talking about his job title. Fear turned in his gut. If his dad found out, that could be the end of one or both of their careers. Nick surveyed the room. Who else knew? Kalilah would never forgive him if his selfish desires got her fired. They would have to be discreet when they got back to Houston. He just needed a little more time to come up with a plan.

Chapter 23

K alilah’s sigh filled her office. At this rate, she would never get any work done. She wondered for the one hundredth time that day why Nick had to be the VP occupying the only office in her direct line of vision. She knew she could activate her privacy glass, but she liked seeing the outside world. Unfortunately, the immediate view into the “outside world” was the inside of Nick’s office. She’d never guessed returning to work after having sex with him would be so difficult. Every time she caught a glimpse of him moving, she would get distracted by a sex memory, and thanks to San Francisco, she had a lot.

They’d created reasons to have sex. They had “we’re supposed to be in a meeting” sex, “I wonder if we can fit in this broom closet” sex, “we almost got caught” sex, “we finished the project” sex, and “we might as well pretend we’re on vacation” sex. That was to name a few; he was insatiable, and she found herself being just as bad. They were freaking rabbits right now. She’d also learned that every time Nick started a sentence with “I’ve been reading…” she was about to discover a different and intense way to get off.

She was already in deep and had accepted her fate. From the moment he grabbed his bag in San Francisco and tried the get his own room, she caught a glimpse of what it would be like to watch him leave. She knew that she was completely and undeniably in love with him. The damage was already done, so she vowed to have as much time with him as possible before he got bored and moved onto someone new.

There were plenty of times when she’d almost told him, but the sentiment would get caught in her chest. He tried to “make love” again their last night in San Francisco; this time she got on top, switched to the reverse cowgirl position and quickly put an end to that. This was becoming a problem. She was becoming more and more drawn to him while he seemed aloof and relaxed.

Even now, Nick was being professional and typing away on his computer, and she was reliving “let’s get one in before work” sex. He looked damn good in taupe slacks and a white button up shirt with the top unbuttoned and no tie. The sleeves were cuffed at his elbows and she could see his forearms muscles working as he typed. It was obvious that she needed to request a transfer before her sex-addled brain got her fired. She was about to activate her glass when the messenger on her computer dinged.

Nick: You’re staring.

Kalilah: No, I’m not.

Nick looked up from his computer and smiled at her.

Nick: Stop lying to yourself.

Kalilah: As if.

Nick: So, you are part of the Clueless movie now? I have a question.

Kalilah: Yes?

Nick: Are you wet for me right now?

Kalilah gasped and gave him an evil glare through the glass. Nick laughed.