“Did your date stand you up, son?” Nick’s mother studied him with maternal concern.

“Date?” Nick asked, confused by his mother’s assessment.

Amelia Sinclair’s brown eyes twinkled. “I’ve been dying to meet the woman in your life, but she appears to be a no-show.”

“Woman in my life?” Nick asked coolly even though his nerves were raging. Had he been that transparent? If she knew about Kalilah, would she tell his dad?

“Yes, son, you’ve been working out and changed your entire appearance. Only a woman has that much power.”

Nick shifted under his mother’s perusal. He was never able to hide anything from his mother. Her cinnamon brown eyes caught everything, and she always made him feel as if she was looking at his soul.

“I didn’t invite her.”

Perplexed eyes studied him under thick lashes. “You’ve been checking your phone the whole time, and you haven’t touched any of your favorites. It’s obvious you miss her. You better have a good reason.”

With her brows drawn and lips pinched, Nick felt as if she was seconds from reprimanding him.

He stared at the drink that was becoming too cold for his hand. “I would like to think I have a good reason, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to talk about it.” He looked at his mom, pleading with his eyes for her to drop the subject.

Amelia acquiesced, but not without giving her opinion. “Son, it’s your birthday, I want you to be happy. If you miss this girl, then I’d prefer for you to go be with her instead of here with us pouting.” She put her hand on his cheek and looked him in the eyes. “Also, if you are not embarrassed by her, then you should stop acting like you are.”

Nick felt a pang of regret for not bringing Kalilah. He pulled his mom into a hug. The familiar scent and feel of his mother soothed his nerves.

“I’m not ashamed, Mom.” She pulled out of his grasp and grabbed his shoulders.

“I am not sure if you are aware, but your dad and I are not judgmental. If she happens to be of a different religion, race, or social status. We do not care if you two treat each other well.” She smiled. “If we can tolerate Meg, I’m sure your new lady should be a breeze.”

Nick had his first genuine laugh since leaving Kalilah. “Sorry. She was terrible.”

Amelia kissed his cheek. “Go, son. Don’t forget to apologize for not inviting her.”

Nick crushed his mom in a bear hug and peppered her with kisses until she giggled and pushed him away.

“I love you, Mom. Thank you for the wonderful party.”

She waved him off. “I’ll make your apologies. Go.”

Nick didn’t know what it was, but he was getting his mom the biggest gift he could find.

Nick left before anyone could stop him and pulled up Snapchat hoping to find Kalilah. It was 9:30 and she could be anywhere. She may not have the iPhone, but social media should be able to guide him. No new stories. Damn. None of the three women had any updates in the last three hours. He had Natalia’s number, but he wasn’t the kind of guy that would call everyone a woman knew to hunt her down. Her house was still inhabitable, so he wouldn’t waste time looking there.

Defeated, Nick headed to the house. At least he could sulk alone. The closer Nick got to his home, the more nervous he became. He didn’t want to consider how he’d feel if she and her things were gone. It would be a terrible end to his birthday. Nick’s pulse spiked the moment he pulled onto his street; relief and fear simultaneously flooded his system. Her vehicle was in the driveway.

Carefully, he entered his house, partially afraid that he would catch her packing. He kicked off his shoes, a habit he’d acquired from going to her house, and strolled around until he found her. Contentment replaced all his previous feelings. She was out of the lanai staring at the pool. She was lounging on the outdoor sofa; her delicate feet were trapped between her body and the cushions. A glass of her favorite wine dangled from her hand.

Crickets chirped in the distance, and a subtle gust of wind tousled the hair on his forehead bringing the scent of the chlorine from the pool. The aroma of food from a nearby restaurant flavored the air, but he didn’t want food. Instead, he wanted to pull her in his arms and ask her to never leave.

She looked up slightly surprised when Nick came into her line of vision.

“I thought you were still out,” Nick said before she could speak.

She took a sip and nodded. “Ditto. That was a quick party.”

“It’s still going on.” Nick leaned against the wall. “Why are you back so early?”

Kalilah shrugged, the movement of her shoulders brought Nick’s eyes to her body. She was wearing a robe. Probably preparing to swim.

“Well, Natalia has to train Cayla at six in the morning, and they both wanted to go to bed early. Plus, they were both mad at me for not giving you the birthday gift they’d picked out for you.”