T he room was silent except for their shallow breathing as Kalilah looked at him with a mixture of hope and doubt. Nick would have laughed if he wasn’t so aroused. He could almost hear the internal debate she was having. He knew she wanted him; the evidence of her desire was sliding down his shaft and tickling his balls.

His cock twitched with anticipation as he waited for Kalilah to give him what he’d wanted…for years. Her. All of her. The air was thick with sexual tension and scented with the evidence of their arousal. Nick inhaled the scent and tried to imprint it on his brain. The scent of his soap radiating off her body and mixing with the scent that was uniquely hers made him hot. His head was spinning.

She was intoxicating. Kalilah was an addiction that Nick didn’t mind having. He would gladly take a hit of her. Her hair was tousled, and her full lips glistened with his saliva. Her breasts taunted him with each breath she took. He couldn’t wait to taste her again, then he’d move on to her other glistening lips and make her scream. But first, he had to shock her out her current statue impression. Maybe, just maybe, he’d asked too nicely.

“Fuck me, Kalilah.” He gripped her ass cheeks so hard that they separated, and he pushed his hips upward. His cock slid along her slit and added a little pressure to her clit. They both moaned. Pleasure tickled his cock and rolled through the rest of his body.

“Take it, baby.” His plead was almost desperate. “Ride my cock.”

Nick’s pre-cum escaped his head and rolled down his cock and belly. Nick shook with pent up desire. Kalilah’s lips twitched. She moved back and grabbed his cock.

“I love it when you talk dirty. Last chance to back out…”

“No fucking way.”

Nick fell back on the bed when she pushed him. She leaned and kissed him much like she did earlier except for one major difference; his cock was in the cocoon of her palm, and his head was at the precipice of her opening. The heat within was like a siren’s song begging him to push further. He didn’t have to wait long; without any warning Kalilah sunk down on his shaft. Her body was wet enough to take him to the hilt in one stroke.

Her head fell back and her eyes rolled shut, and in that moment, he was certain of three things:

He was no longer a virgin.

Being inside of her was the best thing he’d ever felt. EVER.

He fucking loved her.

All of Nick’s nerve endings were firing at once. His hypersensitive body was tightly coiled and anticipating Kalilah’s next move. He held his breath for fear of coming just from the penetration. His hands rested on her hips while her palms rested on his chest. Her slick channel twitched on his cock. She was snug and warm. Nick feared that his dick would never want to leave her warmth.

Kalilah’s thick lashes fluttered opened as he felt the vice grip on him slightly relax. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she moved up, achingly slow, and came back down. She started to move in a slow, steady rhythm. Her gyrating and moaning about how good he felt was killing him faster than he’d hoped.

“Fuck!” he moaned.

He shouldn’t have watched her move over his body. Seeing himself disappear into her naked body, her breasts slightly jiggling as she rode him, and her face schooled into the sexiest mask of pleasure were too much to see while feeling things he’d never felt before. Too many sensations flooded his body, and he closed his eyes to ward off the onslaught of emotions. He’d felt like a superhero who just received his powers. Everything was enhanced, and he didn’t know how to control it.

The familiar tingles for a pending orgasm tickled this spine; his toes curled, his balls began to tighten. NO! NO! NO! It was too soon. What was it men did when they were trying to last longer? Baseball! Nick started to think about a baseball game and the mounting orgasm started to fade.

Then, the asshole he called an imagination, inserted Kalilah into the game. She’d just hit the ball, and the tight baseball uniform strained against her curvy body. Her braless breasts started to shake as she ran for the base. The weight of her breasts pressed against her shirt, and it popped open; her perfect breasts spilled out.


Nick pushed Kalilah off him a mere second before his seed gushed out his jerking head and landed into the first thing he grabbed to shield the cum shower. Kalilah’s bandana.

His breath came out in huffs, his sheets cradled his back, and his eyes were affixed to the ceiling while his heart worked to return to its normal rhythm. Kalilah’s breathing started to regulate, and he watched each breath she took. He counted the ridges of her spine, he couldn’t help but hope that she wasn’t disappointed. He couldn’t see her face, and his apprehension grew with each second that ticked. Hopefully, his chances of having her again weren’t currently slipping away.

A few months ago, if someone would have predicted that he would have spent any part of the night before his birthday…Nick looked at the clock – scratch that – any part of his thirtieth birthday inside of Kalilah, he would have told them to get their hallucinating ass out of his face. But, here he was, completely nude with an equally nude Kalilah who’d just successfully taken his virginity. Damn, that’s hot. The warmth of her body radiated off her back and warmed his side, a pleasant reminder that this was real.

Nick couldn’t take the quiet any longer.

“I…uh…tried to hold off by thinking about baseball, but a mental image of you rounding a base with no bra and your shirt popping open shot it all to shit.”

Kalilah’s smooth shoulders shook slightly, and she buried her face in the pillow. Nick hoped she wasn’t crying, he didn’t think it was that bad. Was it? Nick reached for her shoulder intent on comforting her if necessary.

Kalilah guffawed and Nick felt all the blood rush to his face. She was laughing at him.

“You’re laughing at me,” he accused. Nick pushed up on his elbow to glare at the back of her head properly. “That’s not healthy for my self-esteem, you know.”

She rolled of her back and wiped some tears…fucking tears of laughter…from her eyes.

“No, Nick.” She tried to place a hand on his shoulder to attempt to placate him, but Nick swatted at it. His swat didn’t have its desired effect. Kalilah broke into another round of giggles.