Kalilah looked at him slightly amused. “I thought I could choose where I put the pillow you offered.”

Nick nodded. “You can…as long as that pillow is somewhere in my master bedroom.” Nick knew that there was no way he’d be able to sleep with Kalilah in the house unless she was next to him. Heat flashed in her eyes when he leaned in. He kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you in a few.”

Kalilah looked around Nick’s guest bathroom. It was more beautiful than her master bathroom, and she liked her master bathroom. His floors were dark brown and laid vertically with big rectangular tiles. The countertops looked like a natural stone that mixed brown, cream, and tan. The cabinets and sinks were bamboo.

Kalilah ran her finger across one of the rectangle vessel sinks in awe of its beauty. Nick may not go out of his way to flaunt his wealth, but it showed in his home. She studied the panel on the wall that controlled the heated floors. He also had heated towel racks.

Her clothes dropped to the floor, and she stepped in the huge shower. The same natural stone from the counter tops lined the walls. The brown mosaic tiles that decorated the shower floor followed the same vertical pattern of the bathroom floor and went up the wall in a vertical line behind the rain style shower head. Kalilah was glad she had her shower cap. She was not interested in blow drying her hair. She toyed with the knobs until she found the one that controlled the main shower head. Once she was comfortable, she turned on the body jets.

She sighed at the pleasure of feeling the warm water hit her from different angles. She made a mental note to price check remodeling her bathroom shower. She grabbed the provided soap and squeezed it on her wash cloth. Nick’s scent filled the bathroom; she looked at the soap she’d never heard of before. That’s why he smelled so good. His soap was not available at the usual stores. Kalilah lathered her body and willed herself not to think about Nick.

Once she was done, she climbed out and wrapped herself in one of the beige towels that were on the shelf. Even his towels were plush and luxurious. She brushed her teeth, gathered her dirty clothes, and retreated to his room. She could still hear the shower running and rushed to get dressed.

After pulling on some cotton yoga pants and a loose t-shirt, Kalilah stashed her dirty clothes and began brushing her hair. She pulled out her bandana to wrap her hair up for the night. After successfully brushing out any tangles caused by the humidity, she bent over at the waist to make her hair fall forward and continued to brush.

Nick’s bathroom door opened, and she started talking to him while she combed her hair around her head.

“Nick. I’m sooooo jealous of that shower. It was amazing having water hit me from different angles…” She grabbed the bandana and started wrapping it around her head, then tied it. “It’s been a wonderful night. That concert cannot be topped. I am mortified that I almost missed it.”

Kalilah noticed that Nick wasn’t responding. He would usually have some input no matter how insignificant the conversation. She looked at him for input.

She felt like the wind was knocked out of her. Nick was leaning against the door jamb wearing nothing but light blue linen pajama pants. Damn, he’s hot! Kalilah clamped her mouth shut to keep from drooling. She could and probably would kiss Natalia for helping Nick. Her eyes happily roamed over his body. Nick’s shoulders, arms, and chest were well defined and sculpted. His abs that tapered into an oh-so-delicious V before disappearing into his pants were a testament to his hard work for the last four-plus months. She wanted to trace her tongue over each and every ridge.

Her nipples strained against her shirt. They were so tight that each accidental shift made her shiver. The rest of his body should have been hidden by his pajamas. Instead, the dampness of his skin and current state of arousal left nothing to Kalilah’s imagination. Her body was rooted in its spot. Her eyes took another leisurely trip back up his body.

If she wasn’t already wet, the raw lust in his steely gray eyes would have melted her. He didn’t have to speak, there was no doubt that he’d reached his breaking point. Nick threw the towel that he was using to dry his damp, mussed hair onto the dresser and took a step towards her.

Kalilah fought the urge to take a step back. She was stung by simultaneous lust and fear. Her heart was pounding faster than a newborn’s, and her brain was fried. For one of the few times in her life, Kalilah was speechless. Hell, she felt like the virgin.

Nick grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear anything you said earlier. I was too busy looking at your ass.”

He cupped her ass cheeks to emphasize his point. He moved his left hand to her waist and tilted her head up with his right, willing her to look at him.

“Now. If I’m not mistaken, you said something about having sex with the lights on…”

That did it for Kalilah. She crushed her mouth against his like she was suffocating, and he was her oxygen. She couldn’t take it anymore; their sexless tango needed to end. Nick met her kiss with the same fervor. He grabbed her face with both hands and slid his tongue into her mouth. Kalilah moaned and began to suck on it, mimicking what she wanted to do to the part of his body that was currently pressed against her stomach. Said part twitched, and she knew her message was clear to Nick.

“Turn off your phones,” he ordered.

“Huh?” Kalilah’s sex hazed brain left her slightly confused.

“Turn off your phones. No interruptions.” He turned off his phone to demonstrate.

“And the doorbell?” Kalilah asked as she complied with his request.

Nick pulled her back into his arms. “They can ring it all fucking night. I’m not answering. My car is in the garage. They cannot prove I was home.” Nick sat on the edge of his bed and pulled her between his thighs. He nipped at her breasts through her shirt. “Just you and me with nothing between us.”

“Yes, please,” Kalilah moaned, ripping off her shirt and throwing it aside.” Nick wasted no time and cupped her breasts while sucking a nipple into his hungry mouth. White-hot heat surged through her body when he tugged her nipple with his teeth.

“Oh, Nick.” She pulled away from his sweet torture and shimmied out of her yoga pants, completely baring herself to him.

“Shit. Seeing you naked never gets old,” Nick breathed, studying her body as if seeing it for the first time.

Kalilah pushed him back on the bed and reached for the waist of his pants. She hooked her fingers and started to pull down. He didn’t try to stop her. Instead, Nick folded his arms behind his head and watched her slide his pants past his erection. It jumped out eagerly and plopped against his stomach.

Kalilah studied it hungrily. It was beautiful. The tip already glistened with his anticipation. Nick hissed as she traced it with her finger. His tip was proportionate to his shaft; it was a nice shade, the aroused flesh was slightly redder the rest of his body, it was thick and long, but not in an overwhelming sort of way. In fact, he was bigger than her other lovers. She licked her lips.

“You like?” he asked huskily.