“No. Not yet at least. I was thinking about your birthday gift.” It wasn’t a complete lie. She did have the lingerie with her. She also had the backup gift that she’d bought when the girls weren’t looking.

Nick nodded like he didn’t quite believe her as he pulled into a parking spot. He killed the engine and jumped out the vehicle. Shit. She’d forgotten to look up who they were going to see. She’d spent at least fifteen minutes alone staring at his forearms. She’d never felt as needy as she did around Nick.

She was downright…what did people used to say? She searched her mind for the term and almost snapped when she found it. Wanton. She woke up thinking about sex. Ate lunch thinking about sex. Went to bed thinking about sex.

Nick wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. It was so humid and muggy outside that she would have pushed him away if he were anyone else. He still smelled good despite being in that inferno she called a house. Fucking Wednesday.

Nick squeezed her tighter. “It’s funny, the way you looked at me, I could have sworn you were thinking about…other things.” His lips were close to her ear when he’d said, “other things.” Kalilah pushed him and took off in front of him. She heard him chuckle. “Where are you going? I have the tickets and the keys.”

Good point. Kalilah turned and tried to fix him with a stern look. It didn’t work; he was still smiling at her with those damn shades on.

“Behave, Nick. That’s not our focus right now.” He nodded still amused. “Come on. We still need to get inside and get drinks and snacks before the concert starts. On me, of course.” Nick frowned. Kalilah stood her ground. “It’s your birthday weekend, sir. You are not supposed to pay.”

“Really?” Nick asked as he showed their tickets to security.

There were perks doing concerts VIP style. No wait for parking, no lines, and access to the lounge.

“When is your birthday?”

Kalilah rolled her eyes. “That ship has sailed for this year, buddy. March 21st.” Kalilah took her focus off Nick and looked around to see the venue posters. Oh shit. AFI, Linkin Park, and 30 Seconds to Mars teamed up again! She’d been so busy she’d missed the memo. All her rock star husbands were on stage together again. She reigned in her inner fan girl. She was not about to act like a teenager at a concert when she was damn near thirty.

“T-shirts, Nick.”

Nick looked at her confused. “Huh?”

“We’re buying t-shirts.” Nick rolled his eyes but didn’t argue.

Nick was still humming Linkin Park’s last song as he headed back to his SUV. His fingers were linked with Kalilah’s while she chatted with her sister on the phone. They had more fun than he thought they would. He grinned remembering how surprised he was to discover that she knew almost all the songs for each band. They’d been friends for almost five months. Nick was amazed that he’d neither asked about her taste in music nor had they ever listened to music when they were in the car together.

Before the concert, they’d managed to eat, buy drinks and merchandise, and make it to the pit loaded down with their purchases. It felt nice not being concerned with pushing your way to the front. They had a good view and didn’t have to work that hard. Kalilah insisted on paying for the shirts and bag. Instead of arguing, Nick made sure to have his money ready.

He paid the guy before she could get her card out of her wallet. She pouted and complained that he was breaking birthday rules. Nick loved that her complaint was genuine; she wasn’t just saying she was going to pay with the secret hope that he would pick up the tab. She meant it and was truly irritated that he didn’t listen.

Nick pacified her by allowing her to pay for the food and drinks. Of course, her sudden desire to purchase merchandise made sense. She was probably the bigger fan of the two. She continued to talk to her sister as he navigated back to his house. He didn’t mind her lack of attention since she had to live with him for the next five days. Five days. Nick looked forward to making every moment count.

Nick went through the drive-thru and grabbed them some burgers. She passed him her card and gave him a pointed look. They weren’t starving and didn’t feel like going to a restaurant, so they decided before her sister called to go to Whataburger.

He shrugged and thanked her before handing her the burgers. She gave him his and started to eat after ending her call with her sister. She teased him about taking a picture of him eating his food for ransom in case she had to send it to Natalia.

By the time they made it to his house, they were full and ready for showers. After years of living in Houston, Nick was still stunned that it could be humid in the middle of the night. The air was still stuffy enough to momentarily steal his breath. He grabbed Kalilah’s bag out of the backseat and unlocked his front door.

She looked around as if seeing his house of the first time. Nick shook away guilt. In theory, this was her first time seeing his house since he’d practically kicked her out before she’d made it past the foyer, during her last visit.

He pulled her hand and gave her a tour. He loved how her eyes lit up when she saw things that impressed women like hardwood floors or granite countertops. She gushed over his outdoor patio and pool.

“Nick. You didn’t tell me you had a pool and hot tub. I could have brought my bikini.”

Nick tried not to create the image of Kalilah in a barely-there bikini climbing out of his pool as water cascaded down her body. Of course, his mind conjured the image at its own volition, and his body reacted. He turned back towards the house befo

re she could notice.

“Well, I’m about to take a shower. You have several days to explore.” Kalilah followed him in the house and locked the door.

“I would love a shower, as well.”

Nick nodded and escorted her to one of the guest bedrooms with its own bathroom.

“You can shower in here, then meet me in my room.”