P.S. This is proof that I can text in full sentences

He ended the text with a winking emoji. Kalilah was so relieved that she almost cried. He was truly a sweetheart when he wasn’t being suspicious. She missed him. No, More. She wanted to see Nick so bad that she would have happily gone to his house in the middle of the night if he’d asked. The phone had a full battery, so she laid it on the nightstand and snuggled back into bed, hopeful that he’d call her soon.

Chapter 15

N ick woke after a restless night of sleep and stared at the ceiling. He didn’t make any sudden moves to pop out of bed. It was pointless; he’d taken a sick day because he wasn’t in the mood to pretend that Kalilah was just his coworker. Maybe after a long weekend, he’d be able to get his head back in the game.

On the bright side, his siblings had proven to be a much-needed distraction. They’d both expressed, in their own ways, that they wanted him to continue to pursue Kalilah. Dex’s approach was reminiscent of a caveman; he wanted Nick to demand commun

ication. DD, the hopeless romantic, said to wait her out and then woo her when she did answer. Who the hell still said woo?

Nick had other plans. He’d call her before he went to bed. When he woke up, he would call again to see if she would answer. If, or, when she did, he would follow her lead. Nick reached for his phone out of habit and hit number two for speed dial. He was doubtful that she’d turned on the phone after all this time, but this had been his routine for almost three weeks, and there was no point in breaking the cycle.

It took Nick’s brain a moment to recognize that the phone was ringing. He shot up into a sitting position, adrenaline pumping through his body while his emotions bounced from excitement to fear with each ring.

“Hi, Nick,” Her sleep roused voice whispered into the phone. “Are you on the way to work?”

Nick felt triumphant. He did a silent fist pump. This is what it must feel like to win the Super bowl. “Good morning. No, I took the day off.”

He heard her change positions in the bed. “Then, why are you awake?”

Nick tried to determine how much to share. “I haven’t been sleeping that well lately.”

“Me neither. Do you have plans today?”

Nick didn’t care if he was supposed to meet the President of the United States, the answer was automatic.


“Good.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “Then, it’s settled. You’ll be here in about twenty minutes, and we can start Lazy Friday. Starting off with a nap.”

Nick jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes. “Ok. Breakfast and I will be there in a bit.”

He heard Kalilah yawn. “Okay. See you soon.” She disconnected before he could respond.

Nick performed his usual morning routine in record time. Twenty-five minutes later, Nick pulled into Kalilah’s driveway and killed the engine. He cringed when he thought about all the traffic violations he’d just committed. He checked his hair, something he’d never done in the past, and popped a stick of gum in his mouth, just in case. Nick decided to go casual with some charcoal gray joggers and a maroon and charcoal short-sleeve Henley shirt.

Nick hoped that it was a good sign that she opened the door before he could ring the doorbell. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she wore some of her usual lounge clothes. He’d quickly noticed that she’d made a tiny change that spoke volumes about her intentions for their day together. She was wearing a bra and, he assumed, panties underneath her blush camisole and light blue shorts. There would be no fooling around today. She beamed at him; her freshly washed, unobstructed face was breathtaking. Her big brown eyes sparkled, and her full lips were parted in a smile that showed her teeth. Nick willed his body to behave. He would respect her decision.

“Hello Stranger…” was all she could say before he wrapped her up in a big hug. He pulled her body close to his; she nuzzled her head in his chest and hugged him around the waist. Nick made a conscience effort to keep his hands in a safe place; his left hand cupped the back of her head while the right encircled her back.

Having her warm body close to his and breathing in her scent was all he needed and wanted for the last few weeks. The knots inside him loosened, and he felt more relaxed. Nick hadn’t felt this content since their last Lazy Friday a little over a month ago. Kalilah seemed just as content to hold him, too. He rested his chin on the top of her head and smiled.

Did she just sniff me? Nick wondered after she took a deep breath. Either way, he was happy that he’d taken his morning shower and hadn’t skimped on his grooming routine. Nick felt her warmth as she started to speak.

“Do you have kolaches or are you just happy to see me?” She said, slightly muted because he was still holding the back of her head and her face was stuck against his chest.

Nick grinned. That’s his girl, always joking.

Nick kissed her forehead. “Both. I missed you.”

Kalilah wiggled out of his embrace then closed and locked her front door. “I missed you too.” She smiled at him almost shyly. Nick could tell she didn’t really like admitting things like that. He took a mental note to fix that. She didn’t have to be needy; that would drive him bat shit crazy. He just wanted her to be able to freely say that she missed him or loved him. Love him.

The thought of reaching his ultimate goal made his chest swell. He needed to know what it felt like being loved by Kalilah, and he was determined to find out. He smiled. Kalilah misunderstood his smile.

“Come on. Let’s go to my room before you start teasing me.”

Of course, he was happy she missed him, but he was smiling because he’d decided to make her fall for him. The plan sounded cocky and overzealous, but Nick had a lot of faith in his determination. His body and degrees were accolades of said determination. Their muted steps carried them into her room, and for the first time ever, they sat in the seating area. Kalilah settled in her chair and tucked her legs underneath her. Her pink tipped toes flirted with him. Nick grinned. She had pretty toes.