He strolled across the hall. Even his angry stalk was sexy. Kalilah shook her head. They should really bronze their DNA.

Nick knew who opened his door without looking up. “Not now, Dex. I’m not in the mood.”

Dex sighed and closed the door. “Well, get in the mood because this is happening now.”

Nick glared at him. “I’m working, Dex.”

Dex laughed a humorless laugh. “You’re hiding. Instead of going over there and telling her you miss her and you’re sorry. You’re sulking.”

Nick’s head snapped up shocked. “What in the hell am I apologizing for? You two should be apologizing to me for starting some sort of relationship under my nose. Laughing and joking like you don’t have a care in the world while I am in here hurting…”


Nick raised his eyebrows. Did Dex just yell at him? Has Dex ever yelled at him?

“I’m sick of your shit, Nick. You w

alk around like the world is abusing you. Yes, some girls have preferred me. I turned each and every one of them down. Do you think you are the only one who was targeted by a gold-digger? Do you know what it’s like for a girl to come after you because she thinks you’re a pretty boy without a brain? Last I checked, no one has ever questioned your intelligence. Or, have you ever thought you connected with a girl only to find out that you were a rebound fuck because you looked like a lot of fun?”

The hurt in Dex eyes was profound, and Nick sat there stunned. He was mad at himself for not being a better brother. He was too busy being wrapped up in his own pity party that he didn’t realize that Dex could be treated just as bad as he was, even if it was for different reasons.

Dex took a breath and spoke in a calmer voice. “Pay attention this time. I put the moves on Kalilah to test her loyalty to you. She ignored every subtle hint I threw at her. I asked her out point blank. She didn’t flinch and turned me down without any hesitation.”

Dex words were a healing balm on Nick’s bruised heart. “She did?”

Dex nodded his blonde head empathically. “Yes, Jackass. I told you that Saturday. We’re just friends. According to DD, you keep finding a way to fuck things up.” Dex looked at his watch. “I have a late lunch with Dad. I’ll see you Saturday.”

Dex was gone before he could respond. Nick was floored by his colossal mistake. He was so busy waiting to be betrayed that he allowed himself to believe the worst of his brother and Kalilah. Dex was right. He needed to re-evaluate some things before he talked to Kalilah. What did she say to him? Stop apologizing…pay more attention to his words and actions. He would do that.

He was pretty sure he’d already missed her; he heard through the office grapevine that she was leaving this afternoon for Dallas. He would talk to her Saturday or Sunday, depending on when she returned from her business trip. In the meantime, it appeared that he had a lot of catching up to do with Dex.

It was a warm Saturday morning, and Nick was feeling pretty good. Granted, he needed to talk to Kalilah, and he was aware that he would most likely have to grovel, but he hoped this would be the last time. Nick knew she was exactly what he wanted. He could see them having a future together. He just needed to convince her not to freak out on him again. He also had to work at giving her the benefit of doubt. Nick knew relationships required work; he just hadn’t had one that he wanted to work on. Until now.

Nick pulled into the supermarket and looked at his list. His parents were hosting a Pre-Independence Day family barbeque, and he had to get a few things for the party. He looked over at Dex and smiled. This is one the first times they had been in each other’s presence, and there wasn’t an ounce of tension.

They’d met for beers the night before and hashed out all their differences. Nick was unconsciously blaming him for all his women issues, and Dex felt like he couldn’t come to Nick with his problems. They apologized, laughed, and cried a little, but they were better than ever. Nick promised Dex that he would be a better big brother and confidant. He’d also joked that he would not understand or be able to help with all of the issues. Dex laughed and assured him that he would be the advisor for all sex-related issues.

DD was in the back seat all wrapped up in her latest favorite novel. They’d just picked her up from the airport an hour ago. He loved having his siblings local, although, they would be crowding his house.

“Nick?” DD asked without looking up from her book. “Did you patch things up with Kalilah yet? I wanted to meet her while I was in town.”

Nick shook his head.

“Not yet. I sent her a text and left a voicemail. I’m not sure she has the iPhone with her. I accidently erased her Android number when I updated my phone.” He felt two pairs of eyes boring into him. “Yes, I know that was stupid. I just have to hope that she turns on the iPhone. You two stay here. You slow me down when you come in the store.”

“Yes, Moooooom,” they said in unison. Nick rolled his eyes and got out of the car. He loved them. Nick looked like he was about to spend the weekend in The Hamptons, but he wasn’t self-conscious about the look he’d let Dex craft. He felt comfortable in his navy shorts embroidered with little white anchors. His shirt was pink in his mind, but Dex corrected him and said it was “salmon.” He wore aviator shades and boat shoes. The Nick from almost four months ago would have been appalled.

Nick chuckled to himself as he got in line at the deli. His mom wanted an assortment of meat, cheeses, and fruit. He read over the rest of his list until he heard a familiar voice talking on the phone.

Nick felt an onset of nerves and a mix of different emotions ranging from relief to anger.


David turned around. He didn’t recognize Nick immediately, but once he did, he set his jaw and looked at him with thinly veiled judgment. What in the hell was his problem?

“Hey, Nick. You look different.” It wasn’t exactly a compliment.

“Hey, Nick. Glad to see you came out.” The blood drained from Nick’s face as another familiar voice flanked him. “Look at your makeover! Did your boyfriend pick this out?”