“Hey, guys.” He answered.

“No. Just me today, bro. DD had an early meeting.”

Nick nodded. “OK. What’s new on the other side of the world?”

“Nothing much,” Dex sighed. “Same shit, just a different day. I’m actually more interested in what’s going on with you and Kalilah?”

Nick smiled. “What? No virgin jokes? And she’s Kalilah today? No reformed stalker jokes? Are you okay?”

Dex laughed. “I’m great. Don’t worry, I’ll have some jokes later. Trust me. You practically write all my material. Seriously, have you told her yet?”

Nick reclined his driver’s seat and stretched out his legs. “Told her what?”

Dex sighed with exaggerated drama. “Ughh. You know! That you want to lose it to her.”

Nick stiffened slightly. He’d never said it out loud, but Dex was right on target. Nick wanted to lose his virginity to her. It wasn’t just because of the sexual attraction. If that was all he required, he would have lost it a long time ago. Kalilah was someone he could have a deep connection with beyond the bedroom. He didn’t know how Dex knew that all the way in a different country.

“How would you know that?” He could almost see Dex roll his eyes.

“Um…let’s see…You’ve signed yourself up to be her personal chauffer. You refer to her in almost every situation. She works at a porn shop. She didn’t judge you for being in a porn shop. And you haven’t asked her out on a date yet.”

“But how does that equal me wanting to lose my virginity to her?”

“Because…you are doing things you’ve never done before. I know you are generally a nice guy, but you’re not that nice. It takes a lot to be someone’s transportation especially in the Uber age. Hell, she could rent a car, I’m just saying.”

Nick laughed. “Ok. You got me. But, I don’t think that is something you announce. ‘Hey girl. I want to give you my virginity.’”

“So, ask her.”

“Ask? We’ve only been friends for a week! Is this one of your ploys to make me look stupid? It’s too early for all of that. We haven’t even shared a meal, not even fast food in the car.”

“It may seem that way, Nick. Trust me. A little honesty goes a long way. Did you notice I said a little honesty? I’m not telling you to tell her that you’ve had it bad for her for the last two years. She’s not ready to hear that yet. But women, people in general, like to know that they are desired. Someone’s virginity, especially at this age is the ultimate…proof that they are wanted. Invite her out, and clue her in on the end game. Ask her to take it. Put the ball in her court.”

His stomach flipped at the idea of sitting Kalilah down and asking her. What if she thought he was crazy?

“And if she bolts?”

“Then you will know, and it won’t hurt as much. The alternative would be being friends with her for months only to find out that’s all she wants from you. It will crush you, and I actually like the slightly happier Nick.”

Nick mulled over his brother’s advice for two whole days before reaching a conclusion. He was going to do it. Dex was right. Nick was already becoming accustomed to seeing and talking to her every day. He would be crushed if they got months into any kind of relationship and were not on the same page.

He was going to ask her that day, if possible. Nick started to pace around his office. The nervous energy was taking over. He needed to text her before he lost his nerve. He wasn’t sure if she would respond immediately because she was always so busy. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and grabbed his iPhone.

Nick: Hey. U busy tonight?

Nick put his phone down and drummed his fingers on his desk. He almost jumped when it chimed.

Kalilah: I usually go to HH with my sis. What’s up?

Nick: You got me this time. HH?

Kalilah: LOL. Score one for me. Happy Hour

Nick felt his hope drop. She was busy. She probably had plans for the whole weekend.

Kalilah: Why Nick? What’s up?

Nick: I was going to invite you to dinner. I wanted to talk about something important.