“Hey. Did you still want to talk?” The uncertainty in his voice was adorable.

“Yup. I’m just moisturizing.”

He cleared his throat. “Moisturizing?”

“Yes. After showering, you are supposed to pat yourself dry and apply moisturizer within three minutes. Prior to putting on any clothes.” Nick had a coughing fit. Kalilah furrowed her brows in concern. “Nick? Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” He still sounded strangled. “Water went down the wrong way.”

“I hate when that happens.” Kalilah shook her head like he could see her.

“Do you need me to hold while you get dressed?” She smiled. Nick was so considerate.

“Nope. I like to air dry.” Nick started coughing again. Kalilah’s concern grew. “Nick? You should be more careful when drinking your beverages. Try using a straw. Okay?”

“Okay,” he croaked.

Kalilah removed her robe and put in on a chair near her bed. She climbed into her bed and sighed. She loved her bed. She’d shopped until she found the plushest bed she could, then topped it with big pillows: some soft, some a little firm. And she couldn’t leave out sheets. She’d be lying if she quoted a thread count. She didn’t remember. She wanted them to be almost silky but not slippery.

When she found the right combination, she’d bought two of every color. Her blanket was nothing to sneeze at, either. Kalilah hummed in satisfaction when it glided over her naked body. This was the life. She’d momentarily forgotten she was on the phone until Nick spoke.

“What are you doing?” His voice was barely a whisper, but the way he asked made her tingle.

Kalilah smiled. “I’m getting comfortable. I just found my spot in bed.” She sighed in contentment.

“Yeah. I was comfortable until I started choking.” She heard him shift in his bed. She wanted him there with her, but she wasn’t about to say that. Would he come over if she asked? I guess they would never know. “Okay, I’m good.”

“What size bed do you have?”

“California king.”

“I can see that. You are tall. I have a queen. I decided to keep it simple since it’s just me and such.”

“I can fit in a queen.” Kalilah smirked; was that an offer? “Alone…I mean queens are big enough for someone my height. I just wanted extra room – just in case.”

“Just in case you finally decide to share it?”

Kalilah’s question was met with silence. She didn’t know if it was a sensitive subject for him. She technically wasn’t supposed to know. It’s not like he told her his secret.

“That’s another thing we need to talk about. Like I said before, I won’t tell anyone at work. It’s not my business to tell. If you’d rather I didn’t mention it to you, then I could act like I don’t know at all.”

“It’s okay. It’s not like I’m traumatized or anything. It’s been a timing issue for me, but that is a whole other conversation for a different day. I don’t mind you talking to me about it as long as you are not trying to hold it against me.”

Kalilah smiled in the dark, happy to have his trust. She wanted to be in his inner circle and while she didn’t know everything about him, she was privy to something huge.

“I wouldn’t do that. I told you earlier that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I know I didn’t find out on your terms, but there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I’m sure Deidra told you that. It’s Dex’s duty as a little brother to bother you.”

“Kalilah, I know I’ve already told you, but I really am sorry about my assumptions. They were baseless and unfair.”

Kalilah braced herself. She hoped what she had to say would not cause an argument.

“Thank you, Nick, but I don’t want a million apologies. I want you to start thinking before you speak, or at least ask questions before you start making allegations. I believe your reasons, but some of them are copouts.”

“Copouts?” Kalilah nodded before she remembered that he couldn’t see her.

“You said you don’t fit in with the VPs. I don’t know what happened before I got there, but I don’t remember ever seeing you try. I can’t comment about you and your dad because family dynamics are a different story.”

Nick slowly exhaled. “A long story.”