“I know. I do love it though. How about you give me that one and you get a new one, Trust Fund.”

“Did you just call me ‘Trust Fund’?” Nick laughed. “Don’t take it out on me. I didn’t kill your car.”

Kalilah held up her hands and giggled. “I know. I just hate car notes. We digress. I’m sorry. I made it about me, and we came to talk about you.”

Nick pushed his plate aside. The nerves came back full force. He signaled for the server to bring a to-go box. He gestured to her almost empty glass.

“Want another one?”

Kalilah shook her head. “Not right now. Can’t drink these too fast you know.” She looked at him expectantly. It was now or never.

Nick ran his finger across the table trying to come up with the best way to broach the subject.


The server came back with the to-go box and Kalilah started to pack up the food.

“What’s wrong Nick? You looked flushed.”

“So. Ithinki’mreadytolosemyvirginity,” he blurted out.

Kalilah looked at him confused. “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand anything you just said.”

Nick let out a breath. “Sorry. I said I think I’m ready to lose my virginity.” Kalilah’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline. “I wanted to ask you to help me.”

“Well…uh…sure?” Nick felt hopeful. His hope faded when he realized that she was either a good sport, or she didn’t understand what he’d just asked.

Her words confirmed his suspicion. “So…are you seeking advice? Or, am I helping you pick the person? Wait! Do you have someone in mind?”

Nick had come too far to back down. He had to clarify. “I misspoke. I am asking you to take it.”

Kalilah looked momentarily confused. Nick could tell the exact moment when his words sunk in. He would have laughed if the stakes weren’t so high. Kalilah closely resembled the emoji she’d sent him earlier.

“Err…um…I mean…” She was suddenly struck with the same speech problems he had earlier. The server came back to see if they needed anything else. Kalilah shifted her shocked eyes from Nick to the server. “One more, please. Regular size.”

Nick started to worry. He was fidgeting in his chair and he had to fight the urge to bolt. The silence was deafening. Why did he listen to Dex? It was too soon.

“Look. You...”

She raised her hand to silence him. “Don’t try to control the moment, Nick. You have to give me a minute to process.”

Nick nodded. He was scared to speak. The server returned with her drink and she took a big gulp.

“Does this have anything to do with Dex suggesting you jump on your stalker?” She asked after finding her voice.

Nick let out a surprised laugh. He’d forgotten Dex said that.


“Why?” She asked.

“Can you narrow down the question?”

She nodded. “Why not wait for your wife? At this point, wouldn’t it be better for you to fall in love and get married? You know…lose your virginity on your wedding night?”

Nick clung to Dex’s advice. Partial truth. He would sound crazy if he told her he thought she could be all of that and more. Nick shook his head.

“No. I have a set of criteria; love and marriage are not on it.”