Page 82 of Hale on Earth

Oran pulls me close as we sway to the music. “Had you made me wait six months, you would have definitely seen fireworks.”

Chapter 41


“Set up the dessert table right there,” I tell my crew as we work to finish decorating before people arrive.

Esme is putting the finishing touches on the photo booth where she has rose gold glitter material on the wall with the words “Heaven Sent” in white block letters all softened by white tulle. The cotton and tulle clouds that will make the guest look like they are in a heavenly wonderland.

Ainslee made the cupcakes because they didn’t want the gender getting out. We made the gift table look like a golden bassinet. Jagger hates baby shower games. This will be more of a mixer. Small plate, music, and gathering.

“Done.” I announce thirty minutes later and smile at my handiwork.

The marshmallow babies dusted in gold are my favorite, and I can’t wait to get some juicy strawberries that are white chocolate dipped and sprinkled with gold.

Guests pour in, and my job is done. I pass the reins to Guinevere since she’s the hostess. I rub my temples because my head is killing me. I recount my day only to realize I haven’t eaten at all. In route to the food table, Oran meets me with a plate of items I would’ve picked. I kiss him like he saved my life, and he smiles against my lips and pulls me into a hug.

“I’d guessed you hadn’t eaten yet.”

“You’re very right.” I say around a bite of my chicken salad sandwich.

“Talking with food in your mouth, this is serious.”

I nod but keep eating as I follow him to our table. I’m starving and this food is worth much more than conversation. My moan from biting into a delicious meatball gets me a dirty look from Oran, but damn it’s good.

I’m inhaling my juice and wondering if I should refill my plate when Imala slides in the chair next to me.

She kisses me on the cheek in greeting since my lips are busy and she pulls out a list.

“So, I’m too busy to plan it myself, but I trust your taste. I provided a list of hard no items though.”

“I’m confused,” I tell her. We haven’t seen each other in two weeks and it’s nowhere near her birthday. “What are we planning?”

She blinks her big brown eyes at me as if she’s trying to slow down her brain to catch me up to her speed.

“Right.” She blushes five shades of red. “I should start from the beginning.” She pauses and thinks better of it. “Later. Now, I’ll give you the Cliff Notes version with spoilers. Don’t attempt to talk me out of it. I’ve made up my mind. It’s a good deal.”

“Okay,” I answer slowly. “What’s a good deal and what do you want me to plan.”

“My wedding.”

Oran rubs my back when I choke on a grape. Then gives us his full attention.

“Are you okay, Trophy? What happened?” His gray eyes shoot from Imala to me.

“She asked me to plan her wedding.”

Oran’s confused face matches mine. We’ve never seen her

look at a guy.

“When?” I ask thinking she’s being her usual over organized self and looking into the future.

“Two months,”

“Two months?” Oran hisses like she’s his little sister. “Who’s the groom?” Oran jaw ticks like he’s ready to fight whoever she names.

This is what it’s like to have brothers.